Rejoined the work force recently as the snow plowing job has never materialized (Colorado Welcome Wed Oct 28, 2009). The idea is to have more funds available for summer excursions. This new job involves test driving and evaluating pre-production cars and trucks. That is as much detail as I can disclose.
There is one problem. I need to become familiar with the new technology being built into cars; sound systems, nav systems. hands free phones, built in computers, etc.
This will bring unending amusement to family and close friends who know I despise reading instructions. I am a technology Luddite. As an example, a young friend had to set up a function on my cell phone for me. My TV remote has never been programmed past on/off and channels up or down.
I will learn. It will involve cursing, adult beverages, “encouraging” comments from family and friends but it will happen. For someone who spent years selling cars and trucks, it is about as fun a job one could find. In the end, I just evaluate. I don’t need to buy the stuff.
The job is set up to be part time, no benefits, which is fine with me. Right now the part time isn’t happening - lots of hours. Oh well, it keeps one off the streets.
The good part of the job is what it isn't, management, dealing with public, and herding cats and chickens.
Its good for you to learn. Once you get in to it, it gets easier. Your more up on your tech stuff then people 15 years younger then you! I think when old people or even middle age people just give up wanting to learn thats when it gets hard to go back. My father did not even know how to type on a computer till like 2 years ago! lol
Just remember... 10% is all you need. As long as you're always 10% smarter than the equipment you're working you're all good!!! And you didn't make it this far in life being a dummy!!! LUV YA!
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