Sunday, July 7, 2024

Green Scream, aka, Tough Shit Snowflake

 Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo

Listen to the environazies scream. Maybe, just maybe, we can take our country back from these unelected “we are smarter than you” trust fund snots and want to be tyrants.


The trucking industry, among others, will jump on this ruling like a transplanted wolf on a newborn calf. Another interesting question is how will this affect the government mandates on EVs?


/(1946) The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) governs the process by which federal agencies develop and issue regulations. It includes requirements for publishing notices of proposed and final rulemaking in the Federal Register, and provides opportunities for the public to comment on notices of proposed rulemaking.Aug 17, 2023

 This came about to end the excesses of FDRs New Deal and the many draconian measures taken in WW II – the Constitution be damned. One example. USA citizens, of Japanese, German, and Italian descent put into internment camps.

More Emperor Polis for POSTUS 


Another trust fund snot puts in his two cents.


While I’m enjoying watching the (P)regressives circle firing squad formations as Biden reneges on his private promise to be a one term president, I remain convinced the election will be determined by those counting the votes.

Bankruptcy and Downsizing

Every day there seems to be one or more stories of business declaring bankruptcy, Chapter 13 reorganization, closing locations, and completely dissolving the businesses.

 Restaurants and retailers seem to be the majority. COVID, over regulation, taxes and inflation seem to be reasons. Question? How will the laid off workers, the franchise owners, and the stockholders vote for this upcoming election?

Sorry,  forgot the election will be determined by those who count the votes.

Well, Shucky Darn

My YouTube Premium subscription stopped working.  The videos played but the comments didn’t display. Assuming Windows 7 was corrupted, rebooted, ran all the AVG stuff, etc. After finding a way to report the problem to YouTube, submitted a report. Gobsmacked! Two days later everything is back to normal.

Why Windows 7? Because I can sort of use it. I have a second computer with Windows 11. Little of that program makes any sense to me.

Trust Fund Snot Wet Dream - Jackson Hole


As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Humph... I just wanna know how much a ecosystem stewardship administrator makes... I'm betting it's in six figures!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Plus benefits and perks, like travel to places to assess environmental concerns. Aspen?

jeff d said...

Old NFO - ecosystem stewardship administrator maked fy2022 $140,000

WSF - job posting does not list travel though your thoughts are likely correct.

jeff d said...

WSF - not to be conspiracy minded though Youtube Premium is a two way link. If it is not working on your end, it is not tracking you on their end and that is not acceptable as you are a known High Priority Influencer. :)

Old NFO said...

Wow...that just boggles my mind.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Jeff d
High Priority Influencer
Me? Just a decrepit old keyboard warrior with an attitude.