Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Intifada, My Ass


Who funds this?

Occasionally Colorado Peak Politics puts out a good opinion piece.

Paid Protestors

My personal point of view is Israel should tell the world to fuck off. They are fighting for their lives. My question is why Jews in the United States put up with these protesters?

 What would have happened in 1930’s Germany if some Jews, WWI veterans, had shot the marching storm troopers?   

Might I suggest a place to see a clear view of what is happening in Israel?

Boots on the Ground

Go Woke, Go Broke

Tractor Supply stepped on their pee-pee.

Woke to Broke

They have another issue; chick brooders. Every spring baby chicks are for sale. Someone thought it would be a good idea to ditch the old way of holding chicks for a new brooder. Too bad the new ones don’t work.

No, just no! 

Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo Supreme Court Decision

This just may save our country from the Federal Bureaucracy ramming radical agendas down our throats. A great explanation is at Washington Gun Law. The video is somewhat scrambled but the good stuff starts at about 4:28.

Lawyer Speak

UP 4014 6/30/2024

Met up with Dr Jim (Every Blade of Grass) near Tie Siding, WY to see the steam engine pass. Rolling downhill it was so quiet it was on top of us before we knew it. It didn’t help I was talking his ear off.

Later I drove back roads to Cheyenne. We drove past several miles of this fence. We: Banner and I.

Heaven Help Us – Emperor Polis Edition

Common knowledge Emperor Polis wants to be President. With Biden stumbling, speculation runs wild.


 For the past year he has been working to create an image as a contrarian. No, he is a born Boulder (P)regressive. He re-branded himself from Shultz to Polis.

 More Wyoming

Where things get done.

Social Security

The average lifespan for someone born in 1944, from one source, is 65.2 years. Just 3.2 years past the earliest one can start collecting. Where is the rest of the money paid into over a lifetime? We read all the time that Social Security is going broke? How is that possible when the swamp “borrows” from Social Security? As collateral, they use government bonds backed by “The full faith and credit of the United States”. If Social Security is going broke, does that mean all those bonds are worthless?

 Since I’ve now lived 13.9 years past my life expectancy, does that make me a useless eater along with being a Deplorable?

Perhaps the best part of turning 80 is outliving my enemies. Per Clarence Darrow:

"I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."

Preach it brother.

 As always, YMMV





Ed Bonderenka said...

That's pretty cool about the train.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Ed B
I make an effort to see it whenever it runs. I will be there 7/26 when it returns.

Wild, wild west said...

Tractor Supply is Teh Suck(tm) in all respects. Atwoods recently came to town. Much less cramped, comparable prices and they have free popcorn. Presumably, however, someone will be along with horror stories about what Atwoods does corporately. That's the way of things, nowadays.

I'm looking forward to Big Boy making a loop thru my little corner of the map later this year.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Tractor Supply has a lot of competition in this area. There is a small independent feed store nearby that supplies Banner's dog food. A local chain, Big R, is my go to for ammo and shooting supplies.

The Big Boy series were designed specifically to operate between Cheyenne and Ogden. This restricts where they can operate in other places as they are limited to large radius curves.

The Big Boys were able to deliver great tractive effort rivaled only by the Southern Pacific 4200 series cab forwards. There were larger engines than the Big Boys but didn't match the pulling power on grades.

Last year on the 4012 Midwest tour a freight was stalled in front of the 4014. The engineers coupled to the stalled train and pushed it over the grade while pulling many cars of their own consist. Pollution aside, the steam engines high maintenance costs mad diesels more attractive.

Greybeard said...

We were on a Caribbean cruise the last time that big Steam Engine made an appearance.
We will NOT miss it this time.
Colorado is supposed to be a "Free as HELL" State, and I'm disappointed in y'all.
Get yer ass back in line.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Colorado is more like fight like hell to be free.
Heartland of America Tour
Big Boy No. 4014 will depart on the "Heartland of America Tour" on Thursday, Aug. 29 from Cheyenne, Wyoming, and travel across nine additional states: Arkansas, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Texas. The eight-week tour concludes in late October. No. 4014 will be on display in the following locations:

Sunday, Sept. 8: Rochelle, Illinois (Chicago metro area)
Sunday, Oct. 6: Houston, Texas
Thursday/Friday, Oct. 10-11: Fort Worth, Texas
Additional route details with additional whistle stops, display locations and times will be shared closer to the tour. In all, Big Boy No. 4014 will visit 14 states in 2024, including five states during this summer's "Westward Bound" tour from Wyoming to California.

If you can try to find a spot where it is climbing a grade.

LL said...

There's a guy I used to work with who blaggarded me up one side and down the other on Facistbook a couple of months ago. I don't know where his rant about me came from because I used to work with him and I thought that we got along. You'd think that I told his wife and six children (he's a good Catholic) about the Mexican girl he had an affair with for years. I didn't out him, for the historical record.

I learned yesterday that he died recently...talk about outliving people. I said, "good."

The train looked impressive. Some days I say to myself that I'd like to chuck it all and just ride the rails until they rust over. I don't. But there is that wanderlust in the back of my mind.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Several people in my past have gotten butt hurt about something or another. If they don't have the balls to go face to face with me, oh well.