Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wyoming Poachers


Wyoming Poachers

A recent headline.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston is planning to cut $45 million from city agencies including the police to help fund a program to deal with a recent influx of migrants

Seeing an opportunity to solve staffing issues, The Laramie (Cheyenne) County Sheriff bought a billboard in Denver.

This coming shortly after Denver is launching some unicorn fart plan to stop crime that will require staffing with some police.


Surprisingly, the Denver Mayor isn’t pleased.


Californicating Colorado

Colorado ranks 21st in the country by population and 13th in the country in state debt. As I’ve written many times the only reason the debt isn’t higher is, in part, because of TABOR, a 1992 voter passed amendment to the Colorado Constitution. In simple terms, the Taxpayers Bill of Rights severely restricts all government entities, from the Colorado Legislators to a local water district in the way taxes can be raised. Further, all surpluses must be returned to the taxpayers as a refund.

 Checking the Revenuer's  site, my refund check is, “In the mail”, but may take up to thirty days to arrive. Huh?

Every since Colorado turned blue politically, the (P)regressives have been seeking ways around TABOR. In the last session, they have passed some TABOR ‘reforms’. Just what they passed is hard to learn but should keep some lawyers busy.


In the pasts, they have not done due diligence (surprise) and now there is another mess. 

Where are the auditors?

This one has me totally confused and, it seems, I’m not alone. Perhaps it is, Figures don’t lie, liars figure”.

But, but californication is falling behind. Not to worry, their gas prices are coming to the Front Range soon. 

That will leave a mark

I Want the Out the Door Price

While retired from the car biz, I still have an interest. Before the internet I bought nearly every book on, “How to buy a car”, that I came across. Now I browse YouTube, etc. and watch the talking heads telling people how do save thousands by following their advice (oh, you can subscribe for a modest amount).

Reality check. If your credit is so shitty you need a co-signer for cash, if you owe more on your trade than the wholesale value, and you don’t have a cash down payment, save your time. You are not in a strong bargaining position.

If you are a solid citizen, or dripping in Krugerrands like one blogger we know, your situation is different. You still won’t walk into a dealership and dictate how they will do business with you.

Back in the day you would get ten minutes of my time. That is how long it would take me to write down the M.S.R.P., add Dealer handling and hand write plus taxes and license fees the state mandates we collect. In my mind I know you want a hunting license to take to Down The Road Motors and see if they will beat the deal. Fuck you! Your one purchase won’t make or break our dealership and there is always an ass for every seat.

“Can’t you do better” was the usual question asked in a peeved tone of voice?

“What is your offer”, would be my response?

What most customers don’t know, and YouTube pontificators won’t tell, is something called Consumer Satisfaction Index. The buyer gets a survey from the manufacturer and can rate the dealer and sales person. The manufacturer uses this as a club tying things like inventory allocation, hidden rebates, etc. to the CSI. The buyer who comes in with the above attitude almost never gives the dealership a good rating. Why would a dealership want that sale?

Now we come to the much maligned 4 square. It is nothing more than a communication enabler. You may not like it. Be assured in that back room where the managers are evaluating a sale, some variation of that is on their computer screen. What you won’t see, that the manager sees, is proprietary information.

One last thing, the words of Honest Art Kinsman, the Working Man’s Friend, who I’ve mentioned in previous posts.

“I’ll take a $300 deal if I have to. It is all iron and I can get more iron than customers. Before I take a $300 deal, I will grind the tits off the customer”. Art's time was before C.S.I.

Point. If you want that super deal, be prepared for an hour or two of having your tits ground off.

Bad News

Brianna Klass, a granddaughter, was in a terrible automobile accident and severely injured. She was a passenger when the driver had a seizure. She was turned sideways trying to steer the car when they collided with another car. As my grandson Connor put it, she ended up being an airbag for the driver. Her Facebook post.

She is a great human being, a hard worker, and doesn’t know the word quit. Eternal question. Why does bad things happen to the really good people?

Figures don’t lie, liars figure EV news

Long story about EV sales in Colorado. 


Key points are the huge subsidies now offered ($21K). Dealers speak well of the ‘progress’ now that they can get all that inventory off their books before the cars have more birthdays (monthly curtailments on flooring). Econazies seldom let facts get in their way.

Want a sober truth? Nationwide two year old used EVs are selling for two thirds of their original M.S.R.P.

Wary consumers will do well to check that shinny gas free ride qualifies for those incentives and/or tax credits. Often hidden is a requirement for a certain percentage must be of UAW, oppsie, USA source.

As always, YMMV.


drjim said...

I love Wyoming. Fell in love with it the first time I visited back right before I went into high-school. We took a looong Summer vacation to visit relatives in the Twin Falls, ID area, and drove through Wyoming on the way there. Had the absolute best steak I'd ever eaten at a place in Rawlings. Bugged my Dad a bunch when we headed back to Illinois, and we stopped there again.

Emperor Polis and His Minions have been chipping away at TABOR since he was elected. Thank God for term limits! Forcing us to buy the reformulated gasoline that they use in Kommiefornia will not only COST more, but your mileage WILL go down. JAMHIK....

When we decided we wanted the Chevy Colorado over other trucks, I called my friends back in Illinois to see what the pricing actually was. I came up with a price that opened some eyes, and our salesman said "I have to go see about this". He came back with his manager who told us they couldn't match the price, but would accept $500 more than our offered price, so we bought the truck. I think my price was cutting in to their Dealer Holdback (they still call it that?), and they wouldn't do that.

Very sorry to hear about your granddaughter.

I'd never buy a used EV. I don't like then, and I refuse to be a part of that con game.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

You went about buying your truck the right way.
1. Did a lot of homework.
2. Where prepared to buy.
3. Were financially able to buy.

#3 is where a lot of pressure falls on the back room. You spend time trying to find a lender willing to finance the deal. No, "I wonder what bank will be stupid enough to loan these mutts money". A small profit, quick, uncomplicated sale is worth taking for a dealership.

My hope for Colorado politics is that the (P)regressives are losing a lot of Independents. In the recent primary Trump got 549,263 votes to SloJoe 473,533. Lots of other factors, other candidates,etc. but more people voted as Republicans than Democrats. As you will remember, the primary ballot required you to pick just one party.

Old NFO said...

So sorry to hear about the granddaughter. Prayers for her.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you.

Wild, wild west said...

Bad news always starts with good people and travels fast. Prayers sent.

Now as to EV's, I'm actually all in on the concept, and will buy just as soon as they don't cost any more than a regular auto, they go as far on a charge as a regular car does on a tank of gas, whilst using the AC or heater and lights, the recharge doesn't take any longer than filling up a regular car, recharge stations are as common as gas stations, the battery lasts as long as the car itself, and the grid becomes resilient and strong enough to handle them.

In other words, my place in that market doesn't now exist and probably never will.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you.

Salvatore said...

It has become extremely simple to recognize the mentally handicapped, mentally defective, retarded, subnormal , action of the mentally disabled president by simply listening to him speaking, and lying about his past, or just watching him walk from the White House to a Helicopter.
It’s almost embarrassing, seeing him falling a little flight of stairs, or walking off
the podium, not knowing where to go next!

jeff d said...

Best wishes for your grand daughter and family.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

jeff d
Thank you.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Well Seasoned Fool said...

Good comment. Had you put added a name it wouldn't have been deleted.

TOM said...

Biden doesn't want an audience during the first (and probably the only) debate.
One reason for this that has become clear is Biden farts often and loudly.

He was in a meeting with black Democrats this weekend and Biden cut one so loud everyone was at first trying to stifle their laughter, but they all eventually burst out laughing causing Biden to turn and salute God knows what. I guess the invisible person he likes saluting.

Like I had said last week, Biden sh*ts in hs pants s on a regular basis, and anyone who has met him in person knows he cannot control his flatulence like he used to. All of that ice cream has caused him to have uncontrollable greasy farts that reverberate through any venue. So if you see him turn and salute the air, he probably just farted. He may also be big into crop dusting. That's when you let out one long fart while walking and everyone in the immediate area gets a wiff of it.

Mega Maga Man said...

There is ABSOLUTELY no doubt in my mind that President Joe Biden is unfit to serve as the President of the United States and the Commander-in-Chief.

Not only is he physically impaired and experiencing balance and stability issues, but he is grossly cognitively impaired to the point where his memory malfunctions to the extent he is not well grounded in time and location. He experiences difficulty reading the teleprompter and often slurs his words into incoherent sounds. Moreover, he is a habitual liar who says anything that comes to mind.

Unfortunately, his wife, and his handlers, and Obama acolytes, have a vested interest in maintaining power for as long as possible. No Matter What the Consequences may be

In addition to limiting his public appearances and providing extensive directions with pictures, Biden still gets it wrong and spouts any nonsense. That may come to him.

You cannot even trust his recorded communications, which often require several attempts to patch together even a 15-second statement, and or his judgement in speaking off the cuff.

LSP said...


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Can I simply give them my account number and password?

Rambunctious said...

Once again, a failing, washed-up actor, Robert Di Niro, plays a “tough guy” in a bid to maintain relevance and possibly snag a prestigious position in the Biden Administration.
Saying that “A Donald Trump Victory Means U.S.’ Government Will Perish from the Earth”
“I love this city. I don’t want Donald Trump to destroy it., Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city, but the country. And eventually he could destroy the whole world.”.
Yes, It was NO DOUBT that the Biden Campaign Unleashed the Trump Derangement Syndrome Patient Robert De Niro to say that CRAP Outside New York Courthouse
and perhaps get to the Jury inside the Courthouse and influence them to find Trump Guilty!
Shouting “This is my neighborhood, downtown New York City.I grew up here and feel at home in these streets. I feel comfortable.”
“The Twin Towers fell just over here. Just over there. This part of the city was like a ghost town, but we found we would not allow terrorists to change our way of life.”
The Pathetic 80-Year-Old Washed-Up Actor reading from a Made Up Script. Was Ranting and Raving and even CURSING people in the near by crowd. Saying F-Y to them.