*John H. Bryan, Esq.
Does an old fool ever mellow?
Recently, visited a grocery store that stocks Anasazi Beans, which was my only reason for being there. Outside on the public sidewalk, in front of the store, was a man soliciting signatures for a ballot petition. He was being berated by a 'uniformed' security employee. The petition gatherer was calling 911.
After making my purchases and returning to my vehicle, I noticed a city policeman and the security employee talking to the petition gatherer. Naturally I stopped and signed the petition. The security employee started to say something and I turned and said, “This is a public sidewalk open to the public. Fuck off!” The city policeman said not a word.
Do you think I should have asked what the petition was for?
To add to the rant, I don’t like seeing policemen geared up like some Special Warfare operator. I get even more irritated when I see some ‘security employee’ emulating a police officer.
As always, YMMV
A looong time ago, I did some work for a "PPO", or Private Patrol Operator. He basically ran a rent-a-cop outfit. I was doing CCTV and alarm installs, and got to be good friends with some of his employees. Security Guards run the gamut from professionals to what the others called "Cowboys", meaning they walked, talked, and dressed like cops. One guy even rode a former LAPD motorcycle, and looked like Central Casting sent him over to audition for and episode of "CHiPS".
Late 60's worked as a bouncer at Bronco games and pro wrestling at the old Stockman's Hotel ballroom. Our uniform was a short sleeve polo shirt with a logo and a baseball style hat. I never cared to look like a cop. Our boss was a Denver cop with a private business on the side.
Spot-on correct in your response to the wanna-be enforcer and also eloquent as always, WSF.
I know several retired cops and nearly all of them despise the storm-trooper uniform and tactics of the new bunch, especially this no-knock hit the door with fangs out, flash-bangs tossed and guns pointed at civilians with fingers on triggers SWAT bull-ship. A couple of the most derisive are former SWAT orificers themselves.
Several relatives are retired 'Peace Officers' who quietly loath that shit. I often say I have the highest respect for Peace Officers and little for COPS. A cousin, now deceased, was a LAPD cop, Rampart Division during the Rodney King era. He was so rank the LAPD fired him.
On the other hand, a cousin, San Juan County, NM deputy along with an Aztec city policeman, broke a window and went into the Aztec High School after the barricaded shooter. The shooter offed himself when he heard them coming.
Cops as Delta operators isn't a good look, imo.
The old TV show, Adam 12, is the look I prefer.
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