Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Open Carry - Old School

As suggested by Sisty. Cousins circa 1960. 


Old NFO said...

OH yeah... Gonna borrow this for tomorrow's post. ;-)

LSP said...

What a great photo!

Curiously, very few open carry here, not considered "polite" or something. Fair play and I get it. Still, I like the freedom and perhaps it sends a message, eh?

drjim said...

Done that many times in the past.....

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Feel free.

This came about from a conversation my sister and I had on the way to the airport. I don't notice much open carry outside rural areas where a varmint dispatcher is often needed.

Me too. Arkansas limousine.

WL Emery said...

I used to ride in the bed of the pickup. I enjoyed it, and probably still would if they'd let me get a lounge chair set up.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

A pickup bed is better than a flatbed, just saying.

Brig said...

Used to love riding in the back of Dad's pickup as a kid. Not so much the old panel van he bought and restored... only had two seats in front. If you were a kid riding in the back it could knock you crazy going down the road. Wait, maybe that's why...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Had a Chev panel with just the driver seat. For my passenger, had a stout wood crate.