Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Canada Says No

Prior to President Trump’s victory many “celebrities” vowed to move to Canada if he was elected. They didn’t. Why?

A few days ago I was talking with an actual Canadian. He said they all tried but were turned away on the basis, “We already have enough whiny bitches”.

Immigration control, it works!


LL said...

Mexico is a non-racist option for all of the progs. They can go there where gun control is in effect and people of color are in charge.

drjim said...

And notice that the celebs never mention heading South, always North, where the populace is as white as the snow that falls....

Well Seasoned Fool said...

They do seem to have a selfish streak regarding their own safety.

Old NFO said...

Snort... They're AFRAID to go to Mexico (the real Mexico, not the tourist areas)...