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Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Subaru Rant
Sharing the road with Subaru drivers, I've decided there are three distinct types.
Hot rodders, usually younger, in WRXs. There are not many and they move right along.
Suicidal fools found on snowy roads in the High Rockies during winter. Again, not many and they don't impede traffic until they wreck.
Then we have the majority. Shit for brains, head up their asses, and oblivious to their impact on those of us unfortunate enough to share the road with them.
The Subaru will usually have this bumper sticker, among others.
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You know my stance on Subaru Drivers. BLARG!!!
A plague on the public roads. The drivers, not the cars. Fine vehicles, though terrible overpriced. Guess Fuji Industries understands their customers. They market Smug IMO.
Another good reason we should be able to put cowcatchers on the front of our cars and use them.
Great idea!
Great post.
In the Mountain west, the preferred vehicles of idiots because it is "so great in snow"! As opposed, of course, learning to drive in snow. Something for you to look forward too.
Saw the same thing back in Illionis, but with Jeep CJ's.
They'd go blasting past you, and then a mile or two up the road they'd be in the ditch, or worse....
SUVs in general around here in the winter.
It's vans down here, but the big difference is they don't pay attention, weaving wherever in the road THEY want to be, regardless of what is around them...
I remember that from the last time I was in Texas and OK.
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