Friday, May 13, 2016

A World Without Borders

What follows is a personal political rant. You have been warned and may choose to move along.

Our current hack of a Secretary of State, the Viet Nam War hero turned Viet Nam War liar, gives a commencement speech where he states the ultimate goal is a world without borders. Pissed on the graves of every man and woman who died protecting our borders from foreign despots, he did.

Time after time Democrat Senators, and some Republicans, vote to cede portions of our national sovereignty to the United Nations. Sovereignty paid for by blood and sacrifice, and these smug elites just give it away.

For many years I was active in the Democrat Party. Yet, holding my nose, I’ve voted for the GOP Presidential candidate the last two times. Hell being a Blue Dog Democrat these days. Now I don’t even bother going to any Democrat functions and I seem to vote for the GOP candidates. I voted against Sen. Udall, and I will vote against Sen. Bennett. Damn me if I ever vote for someone giving away our sovereignty.

So, WSF, you are a Republican. Hell no. When I think of Republicans, I see Karl Rove, Grover Nordquist, and the rest of the “I’ve got mine, fuck you, and I will get yours too” crowd. Next up are the Evangelicals who care less about the Constitution than the Lightbringer (the S.C.F.O.A.M.F).

So where am I? Probably an old, burned out populist with anarchists tendencies.

I’m warming up to Donald Trump on the basis he can’t be worse than what we have. I’m firmly in the camp of anybody but Shillary.

My suggestion to Mr. Trump for his first hundred days is to take all of the social justice warriors in the military, and all the ones on the government payroll, form them into a task force and send them to Syria. There, they can teach the local population on social justice values.

Off subject entirely, something I saw on Facebook that made me laugh. This is for all the veterans.


Old NFO said...

And the other part, you DON'T want a rule named after you...LOL

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Well I remember the 1st Sgt "taking an interest" in me. Usually as part of a select group.

Coffeypot said...

I like the part about swapping out the military command for some real soldiers and sailors. And put the National Guard on the Southern Boarder with shoot to kill orders.

Coffeypot said...

Then cut off all the free stuff to illegals, change the laws to say that if you are illegal and you have a kid on US soil, the kid is illegal and not subjetct to American rights and liberties. Cutting off their incentives will help stop the flow.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Must not have been clear. Want to send the pukes into a war zone and see how long it takes for their attitudes to change

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Too many of them. Much easier to go after the employers. Say a fine of $10,000 per illegal found working for you. Maybe fund a program to help the illegals return to their home countries.Wouldn't want to see kids starving.