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Friday, August 8, 2014
Million Veteran Program
Received this in the mail. While I'm automatically skeptical of anything from the government in general, and the Veterans Affairs in particular, I also know not everything from them is evil. Participating in something that could potentially help veterans appeals to me. Therefore, I carefully read all the material.
The section highlighted concerns me. We all know, or we should know, that the VA is quick to add your name to the back ground check database that prohibits owning a weapon. So, on to the questions.
Question 39 is a problem. Wrong answers will put you in the data base. Page 7, Nervous System Problems, looks like another mine field. Will this survey be utilized that way. My bet is it will.
For me, I'm not participating. What is your opinion?
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I do believe I would run screaming from that survey. Not that I'm the suspicious type or anything...
Not that I'm the suspicious type or anything...
Why would you be suspicious? Past experiences, perhaps?
I haven't gotten anything like that.....at least not yet. But, then again until most recently I've gotten most of my medical care from the VA so, most of the answer to those questions are already answered via my medical file.
BTW suspicious? I recall very well when Janet Napolitano said that veterans could pose a threat to the the United States and I know that there are MANY that hold that very same attitude!
Nope I'll pass too...
I have never used the VA. Did the paperwork. I've instructed my family, when the day comes, to leave me on the VA steps with my DD214 in my pocket. That said, what a sneaky way to screen a million men and women who know how to shoot?
Hear that.
Progressive logic.
Maybe it's a good thing you haven't used the VA. They've been my sole health provider since moving to Florida some 16 or so years ago. And I though everything was fine until most recently.
The end of May I knew something was wrong with me....although I couldn't put my finger on it. I spent over a month jumping hoops through trying to get answers, with the VA dragging it's feet at every point. So...I gave up!
So, I had my first appointment with a "civilian" Early July....after weeks of various testing I've found I've had a heart attack maybe two. I go in Tuesday for stints as I have blockage. 70% in three spots and 90% in two spots. Meanwhile.....I still wait to hear from the VA.....luckily I have medicare and I have Tricare Prime one of the benefits of being retired Army.
Needless to say.....I'm finished with the Veteran's Administration!
So happy for you having alternatives, although your health issues aren't good news.
I've blogged about my late friend, "Dirty" Al Imhoff. With better care from the VA, he might have not have fainted and hit his head on a corner.
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