Thursday, December 6, 2012

2nd Amendment

Taken off Facebook.


Old NFO said...

GOOOOOOD one! :-)

Scotty said...

It seems there is a battle to keep guns out of veterans hands now too. All based on what, at first glance, one would think on mental health issues.

Sen. Tom Coburn, Oklahoma Republican, wants veterans who have been deemed “mentally incompetent” to have their cases adjudicated by a judge — rather than the Department of Veterans Affairs, as happens currently — and argued that veterans who simply cannot support themselves financially are needlessly given the label and, as such, cannot buy or possess firearms.

As the V.A. has deemed me 100% disabled I also fall into this category.

The whole story is HERE.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ Scotty. Blame the senior senator from NY, Schumer. Always trying to find a way to disarm people. Proud of keeping the appeal process at ATF unfunded from his days as a Representative.

All vets! Three questions they innocently ask about stress. Always answer no.