OLD AGE AND TREACHERY WILL OVERCOME YOUTH AND SKILL. And on the eighth day God said, "Okay, Murphy, you're in charge!" Anonymous comments will not be posted.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Rhetorical Questions, Road Rage Rant Division
Driver going along the Interstate at posted speed. Moves to left lane to pass a slower truck. Instead of keeping speed, slows down to pass the truck. WTF does the driver think he will see? Stupid. Saw it several times today. Of course, everyone behind has to hit their brakes. Rear end city if you are not alert.
Texans! I like driving in Texas. Excellent, even superb roads. Better than average drivers, even in Dallas during peak hours (as opposed to say, Atlanta). So why do Texas drivers wait until they get to Colorado to drive stupid?
Colorado drivers? Probably 15% should be banned from the road. Speed limit 65 or 75. They are putting along at 50, 55 or so. Bet they never look in the mirror and see the parade they are leading.
A statistics I would like to know, and can’t find, is how many license retest does the Colorado State Patrol request? Seems like if you can’t ticket stupidity, you could make stupid prove again they know the rules of the road and can safely operate a vehicle. Just having to go through the process might penetrate their mental oblivion.
The one lady today who entered the 75 mph Interstate from the on ramp at 40 mph, stayed at that speed without accelerating, without missing a beat on her so important cell phone call, might want to look in the mirror once in awhile. The flat bed truck with the 5,356 lb yellow diesel replacement engine strapped on needs a tad bit more room to slow down. Perhaps when she noticed said truck 2’ from her trunk, that prompted her to swerve onto the shoulder. Aargh!
On a brighter note, youngest son (the Medic) and family safely arrived at the new duty station one state West this afternoon. The selfish father in me is happy to see him out of an Infantry Division and into a Stateside fobbit slot.
He has the overseas service bars, thank you very much, and I selfishly don’t want him earning more. Beat me!.
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Point well taken on the drivers... I always wanted a white noise system that would knock them off the air...
And good for your son! Here's hoping he stays a fobbit!
"Colorado drivers? Probably 15% should be banned from the road. Speed limit 65 or 75. They are putting along at 50, 55 or so. Bet they never look in the mirror and see the parade they are leading."
You should spend some time in Florida!! Especially in the winter when the snow birds arrive!
That was one of the bigger culture shocks I got when I moved here some 13 years ago from upstate NY. The quality of drivers. Not just the older folks but the younger ones too!
I don't think there is a soul down here that knows how to properly use an on ramp.
And then there's the ones that get in the left lane and refuse to move over for faster traffic. They plant themselves there and stay there till they exit.
I find myself passing more cars on the right than on the left here.
As I was heading for my car in a parking lot last Friday, I followed an older couple to their car as, what seemed, as they held each other up.
They both went to the drivers door and Paw opened the door for the wife and helped her in the drivers seat, which included helping her get her legs in the car as she was having a lot of difficulty doing it.
I split in a hurry because I didn't want to witness, first hand, yet another elderly driver driving into a building! A common site down here!
@ Scotty. 99% of my Florida driving has been I-75 to Naples and then back North. Didn't seem as bad as other places except for the thunderstorms. Man, it can rain hard in the South!
With all due apologies to my many relatives who live there, the Zombie driver heartland is Oregon.
@ NFO. He seems happy with the move. He has talked to his new unit leadership after getting his orders and they indicated he will mainly be doing EMT which he likes. Also, they work four on and three off which makes his spouse and kids happy.
Take a trip on I-4 and I-95 and going east or west in Florida is the biggest challenge as there are no freeways/expressways that go east or west, except I-4.
The majority of our pileups are on I-4. Especially in the Orlando area.
I live in the Melbourne area and every now and then DOT will put out huge yellow signs in our section of I-95 warning drivers that they are in a high accident area!
But, you couldn't pay me enough money to leave Florida. I love it here despite it's many flaws!
Playing nice with others as usual, aren't you???
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