Friday, December 27, 2024

Mass Deportations


Illegal Immigrant Wars

Texas shipped busloads to sanctuary city Denver. Denver used proxies to dump them in adjacent Aurora; most assuredly not a sanctuary city.


Mayor Coffman is a politician I admire and voted for when he was a Congressman. Term limited, he can be an asset to the Trump administration. There may be some bad blood because of the immigrant problem becoming a political issue by Trump.

 The mayor pro-temp is of the same mind as Coffman and the City Council has changed from leans (P)regressive to leans conservative. The new police chief seems to be a no nonsense type.

Wolves and more wolves


 Justice Delayed – Justice Denied

A YouTube Channel I watch regularly.


I find Kirk to be clear and concise with explanations lay persons can understand.


Growing in an agriculture environment, the weather and precipitation are always in the forefront of my mind. Last winter we had above average moisture. This year is a drought in northeast Colorado. This is bad news for dry land farmers and not good for wildlife.

 At a personal level it has been a boon for me doing my paper hanging work. No icy steps and sidewalks to contend with.

 The southern part of Colorado is having a good snow year. The mountains are seeing a lot of snow so the runoff that supplies our drinking water should be safe.

 The new Chimney Hollow reservoir should be completed enough to capture this spring’s runoff which is good news for us locally bet not for those downstream of the South Platte River in Nebraska.

 Remember, in Colorado, whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting. As one rural rancher stated, “It wasn’t until I was elected as a state senator that I learned, goddmandenverwaterboard, wasn’t one word”.

As always, YMMV

Sunday, December 22, 2024

(P)regressives Last Stand

 Bastards making hay while they can

With SloJo on his way out the econazis are trying to cement their “gains”. Witness the BLM trying to freeze the Red Desert in  Wyoming.


Another is the EPA trying to cement the California Air Resources Board’s power to enforce only EVs in the future.


There a likely hundreds of pet projects that will be threatened by a Trump Administration and the jackals are fighting to save their “progress”.

After January 20th, they will resort to a civil kind of guerilla warfare. Don’t we, as a country, have some experience combating this kind of war?

As always, YMMV

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Droning Along



No insightful comments here. This curmudgeon has never flown one; knows little about them, and will give way to those who do. It seems they subject has stirred up the citizens to my north.   


Loss of gun rights in Wyoming? The horror!

La Nina/El Nino

Which weather pattern we are in is questionable but this winter, so far, in our little patch on the northern end of the Colorado Front Range has been dry with moderate temperatures. Down towards Colorado Springs is a different pattern entirely. Banner isn’t complaining. So far, it has been light sweaters for him.


Boring, for the moment. Lots of extra assignments. Some of the work involved areas of Denver where I haven’t been for 40-50 years. Many changes but a bar, where I spent too much time in my twenties, is still the same, from the exterior.

Stuff I might blog about hasn’t been stirring my umbrage; Colorado politics is the same old b.s. as in the past few years.  That will likely change in the future.

Looking forward to January 20th; hope President Trump survives until then.

As always, YMMV

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

F**K Interesting Times



I listen to this guy. I think he knows what he is talking about. 


We need to get our people out now, stay out of it, and let Israel sort out the mess.

$40,000,000 for one pissant Congressional Seat


I live in this district and my mailbox was stuffed nearly every day with mail pieces. Very few had the candidate’s, “I approve of this message”. Since I don’t have a TV, I was spared that onslaught.

Where do these Super PACs get the money? Taxpayer money laundered through Ukraine? Wealthy people making “charitable donations” that somehow end up in political PACs? Foreign governments? Hedge fund managers?  Without violating the 1st Amendment, is there a way these Super PACs can be investigated?

 Sneering at Nannies – Tobacco

The unrelenting lawfare and public denouncing of tobacco has the usual result; bootlegging in its many forms. In the case of Wyoming add freedom fireworks. Want to be a damned fool and seriously injury yourself? Wyoming has your ticket to ride.


The Rats are Scurrying for Cover

Liz Cheney?


And the beat goes on.


Take that, Delaware

Easier, and cheaper, to incorporate in Wyoming. Same with an LLC.


Bounty Hunters

Recent discussions of having bounty hunter go after illegal immigrants prompted a memory.

 My late friend, Dirty Al Imhoff, was a part time bounty hunter when not selling cars. One night he wanted to have a few adult beverages and invited me to go along. We visited three different drinking establishments. At each place, after he surveyed the patrons, he insisted on leaving. Seems each place had patrons he had hauled in as a bounty hunter. Finally I suggested, sarcastically, we buy a six pack and sit in the parking lot.

Bounty hunting never had a personal appeal. Repossessing cars was sporting enough for me.

DrJim’s Man Cave (in progress)

 EV Financial Madness

This, from one of my favorite conservatives.


Nothing Serious, Made me Laugh


 Aspen Princess sees the light


 As always, YMMV

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Your Next President (In Four Years)


2028 Presidential Candidate – Emperor Polis

He will save the Democrat Party – just ask him.

Neighbor. “Can’t you say something good about Jared?”

Me: “He is term limited”.

He was quick to jump the shark on SloJo’s pardon of Hunter.

"While as a father I certainly understand President @JoeBiden’s natural desire to help his son by pardoning him, I am disappointed that he put his family ahead of the country," Gov. Jared Polis tweeted Sunday night.

"This is a bad precedent that could be abused by later Presidents and will sadly tarnish his reputation. When you become President, your role is Pater familias of the nation."

Added Polis: "Hunter brought the legal trouble he faced on himself, and one can sympathize with his struggles while also acknowledging that no one is above the law, not a President and not a President’s son”.

 You think selling cars is fun?


Circa 1992 I worked in Puyallup, WA for a Mitsubishi dealership when an arrogant red dot Boeing engineer came in. He had a station wagon trade. At the time Mitsubishi offered a van that was virtually sales proof. They were so hard to sell Mitsubishi gave the dealers $4,000 trunk money. Trunk money is a given to the dealer, not the customer. After a prolong negotiation, we sold the van at dealer invoice and gave Mr. Red Dot what he wanted for his trade. He wrote a check for the van. I immediately drove to his credit union, about 40 miles, and turned his check into a cashiers check.

About two hours later, Red Dot called. Somehow he learned about the trunk money. Wanted the $4,000. Told him, “NO”. About 20 minutes later he called back totally pissed off. Seems he called his credit union to stop payment on his check.

We had a two day rodeo. We had his trade locked up in the bull pen and we had the signed off title to the trade. He returned the van, parked it in front of the dealership, and we had it towed away. Damned if that wasn’t a satisfactory sale. (Yes, I know. Evil car salesman. Guilty, and proud of it) This was in the early days of CSI (customer  satisfaction index). My general manager was so happy to see one of those vans gone he didn’t care about an angry customer.

As an aside, trunk money isn’t a rare thing. Toyota screwed the pooch on their T-100 pickups and had big trunk money to get them sold. I never worked at a Toyota dealership but had friends that made some big bucks on those pickups.

 We can only speculate what the manufacturers will be putting up to move the unsold 2023 inventory.

I have no opinion on why the T-100 wasn’t the usual Toyota success.

Trade Wars Winners and Losers

My hope is that President Trump can remove many of the government obstacles impeding mining. One start might be sending most of the EPA’s 1,000 lawyers into the field as investigators. Let them spend time writing reports no one will read.


As Always, YMMV