Thursday, September 5, 2024

Stand Your Ground, but, Don't be Stupid


Self Defense or Overkill?

Ten .45 rounds fired, man down and very dead. The lawyers will have a job on this one. To me it appears to have started as self defense then spiraled out of control.


Labor Day Party

Resident in our building have holiday gathering. I’m not a great fan. The people organizing them I like so I show up. Banner goes to visit Sisty. He hates being alone in our apartment. The idea of an 80 lb friendly eating machine among people and food is not to be contemplated.

Here Comes de Hook

Only when your vehicle is on the hook do most people even notice a tow truck.


In some neighborhoods and apartment complexes you can hear, “Here come de hook” or,

    aquí viene el camión de recompra”

 Colofornia News

“Wealthy” conservative backers of ballot initiatives keep blocking the benign, and for our benefit, (P)regressive plans. Horrors!


The same Democrats complaining never seem to have a problem with wealthy dark money groups interfering when it coincides with their ideology.

At least seven initiatives will be on the ballot this election. Some were funded by dark money (P)regressive money. Can you spell hypocrisy?


 Unicorn Farts Meets Reality

Confession. I have little understand of “carbon capture” and little interest in learning more. Seems to this Latter Day Luddite like some Ponzi scheme. What is apparent it takes a lot of electricity. Other than climate change hustlers, does anyone else even see a need?


Venezuela Gangs Colorado Tren de Aragua 

My, my, cow pies being kicked all over the place.


and MORE

This situation is now an international story and mixed into national politics. Not a bad thing; sunlight is a great disinfectant.

Mike Coffman is the Aurora Mayor (term limited) and is nobody's patsy. Aurora has always been a pimple on Denver's ass (years past we owned two homes there). It is divided by two counties (Adams on the North, Arapahoe on the South) that results in different tax and bond systems. Denver's main jail sits on the North side.  The city is home to more immigrants, legal and illegal, than any other place in Colorado. There is a significant perpetually pissed off black population and a mobile "unhoused" population. Squeezed continually are 'native' Mexican descendants. The city council is always split between (P)regressives and conservatives. At the moment the conservatives have a slim majority. The Chief of Police office has been a revolving door forever. Some officers would have been at home in the LAPD Rampart division circa Rodney King.

Perhaps Aurora's biggest problem is the Califorication of Colorado with the suburban Liberals keeping their neighbors nice while pushing problems into Aurora and surrounding locales.

Boulder Mentality

Emperor Polis’ husband is a Boulder native and boulder to his bones. He isn’t the most savvy p.r. person. Perhaps he doesn’t feel a need?


As always, YMMV


Ami said...

The shooting story does not have an active link. Directs me to 'sorry wrong link' page.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I will fix it.

Old NFO said...

Yeah, Polis et al look like idjits, but that is nothing new! And good idea with Banner. Too much 'temptation' for him.

LSP said...

Ah, carbon capture. It's quite simple, really.

Get taxed for your evil carbon

They sell your wicked carbon and become fabulously rich. Even moar richer than they are already.

Then the planet is saved.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

So it is a Ponzi?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The problem idjits is they think they are smarter than us.