Sunday, September 8, 2024

Imported Criminal Gangs

More Aurora, CO gang news and opinions


Tren de Araqua?

They openly call for killing police officers. This story will likely have legs. Aside, can you say accuracy is finial (h/t Wyatt Earp)?


Attention Whore

Colorado’s Secretary of State


Rank RINOs

Afflicting Wyoming for many decades are the Cheneys. Both have endorsed Joyous Cackles, to the surprise of few.


Outside of Jackson Hole, few Wyoming residents care for them. Another gathering place for the rich, Saratoga, takes their money with a smile and then go wash their hands. Fishing the North Platte River is the draw. It is common to see six or more executive jets parked on the airport ramp. Dick Cheney is a well known belligerent drunk in Saratoga’s saloons.

 Wyoming Republicans respond to the Cheney endorsements.



I.Am.Mental mentioned how long she has been blogging prompting me to check my blog. Seems I started somewhere in 2009. Amazing, because I’m still blogging and others are still reading the disjointed ramblings of a Latter Day Luddite and establishment menace.

 Full Disclosure. More people are here for Banner stories than any other reason.

 As always, YMMV


drjim said...

I guess TPTB are getting their troops prepositioned...

Griswold is a joke and disgrace to the people of Colorado!

Same with the Cheneys, but in Wyoming.

Come only for Banner? What about Big Boy?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

It may be the Liberals, as opposed to the (P)regressives, are tiring of all the brazen crime. If public opinion is a pendulum, perhaps the left swing has reached apogee and is starting downward.

Big Boy is off in the wilds of Iowa at the moment.

Greybeard said...

How does anyone stand in the meat section of their market and not feel slapped in the face? I cannot buy until it begins to turn grey and gets a discount sticker.
Old NFO is warning us about economic indicators.
Pray for the best. Plan for the worst.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Yesterday shopped at Safeway for a few items. "Cheap Chicken" Monday, $8+. 18 count eggs and 32oz Cheese up $1 from last week! I don't like their chicken but remember three years ago it was $4. We won't survive a 4th Obama term.

Wild, wild west said...

That, WSF, is a feature of their plan, not a defect. Call me a cynic if you will, and you might as well, because I readily admit it.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Cynic? You are reading my mail. Just because we are paranoid doesn't mena they aren't out to destroy us.

Old NFO said...

Some of us like what you have to say, and have been watching/reading you for years. Banner is just extra goodies!!!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you!