Sunday, August 11, 2024

Politicians and Drunks - Some Overlap


Vote Fraud –Dominion Voting Systems

Former Mesa County, CO (Grand Junction) Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters isn’t going down without a fight.


Colorado’s far left Secretary of State, Jena Griswold is, IMO, making it clear that anyone who questions election integrity in Colorado will get hammered.

 With Emperor Polis term limited, and not picked to be Harris’ VP pick, Griswold might envision herself as our next Governor. That makes me shudder, as she had a 200% turnover in staff in her first year in office.

 Polis? Likely our next Senator if saloon keeper Hickenlooper decides not to seek reelection.

 Side note. A bill to impeach Griswold was introduced (by Republicans) in 2024 but went nowhere.

Ya Think? DUI edition


Public Adjusters

When you have a major insurance claim, dealing with the aftermath can be overwhelming. The demands for information from the insurance company and proving your claim take a lot of work. Enter the public adjuster. They handle the claim for a percentage of the payout. Like personal injury attorneys, YMMV.

Dave Dye is an 82 year old semi-retired car dealer and one of a few people I will deal with on a handshake. A self admitted punk, he joined the Marine Corp and credits the Corp for turning his life around. He likes nice toys and built his four car dream detached garage. Lithium batteries on a charger caught fire and the fumes ruined the contents. Frustrated, Sisty asked one of her friends (Sisty knows everybody), a public adjuster, to help. Although he usuallydoesn’t work this small of claim, as a favor to Sisty, he took it on. His team goes in, examines everything, takes pictures of everything, and looks up the replacement value. When they are finished, the insurance company is between a rock and a hard place. Dave has his settlement and is now dealing with flaky contractors. Sisty and I know the Kaplan brothers……… Probably not wise to go there.

Save our Democracy – Make certain of the outcome


Not much of a post, due to a mundane life and a depleted umbrage tank. I do admire bloggers that can consistently write interesting posts. I’m not one of them.

As always, YMMV


Wild, wild west said...

I would disagree that you are not one of them what "can consistently write interesting posts." Perhaps not daily, for sure, but still well worth checking on frequently.

Anonymous said...

I, for one look forward to every post and have for many years now. Thanks for all you do.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Appreciate both remarks.

drjim said...

Peters and Griswold are rabidly leftist/socialist. People in those 0ffices require an unbiased view, and strict obedience to the law.
Neither of them has those qualities.

That Ram made mincemeat out of the fencing.

I feel for your friend. I have some good sized "High-Performance" LiPo batteries for my little race cars. I treat them like live grenades when I charge, use, and store them. My charger is one of the best you can get, and I carefully follow the battery maker's instructions. I have Nomex "LiPo Bags" I keep them in, and those are put in a steel 50 cal ammo can, If they light off, about all you can do is smother them with DRY sand or earth. Kitty litter might work, too.

Our daughter-in-law had to come back here from Long Beach in 2012 to help her parents with all the paperwork they had after the North Park Fire. The homestead got slightly singed, but all the big outbuildings, shops, equipment storage areas, and most of his heavy equipment went up in smoke. It got so hot that the alloy block, heads, and transmission case on one of they Subarus melted. I have pictures of it sitting there in a puddle of aluminum.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Agree with the way you handle batteries. I bet you are among 2% or so who do.

Peters is far right. Old joke. "The more my thinking turns to the right, the more I find in common with the left. I think I'm becoming a middle of the road extremist".

Old NFO said...

Interesting, and one more set of folks that NEED to be in jail... Yes, your posts are interesting for the variety of...things you look at! :-)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

What I do is open Office Word and start saving things. Sometimes it fills quickly but more often it lingers for days. As you know I'm more active on Facebook with my, "Stirring the pot". Despite all my efforts I've never been in jail. Maybe I should post something about trans gendered midget amputees.

drjim said...

Only if it includes mud wrestling....

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Excellent point.

LL said...

I was hoping for a Banner update and was disappointed. Maybe Banner mud wrestling (combining my request with DRJIM).

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Banner just received another batch of home made dog treats from the next door neighbor. Mud? I have a lab that doesn't like water and avoids mud puddles.

Wayne Wilson said...

Look at what sos hobbs did before she became gov of Arizona.