Tuesday, August 27, 2024




Banner often accompanies me on my trips. My explanation to those who question me, in an accusing  tone of voice, about making him spend hours in the backseat, is he is along to protect my vehicle from savage jackalopes. Lets me brag that I’ve never encountered a jackalope while he is with me. At that point the questioner usually wanders off shaking their head and muttering under their breath.

Democracy: Why care about just 500,000 people?

Wyoming is on track to be screwed over by the enviroNazis who dominate the Bureau of Land Management.


Paranoid or Prescient?

Going down a rabbit hole trying to connect dots.

1.    Many are speculating some new engineered crisis will happen before or after the Presidential election.

2.    Thousands of military aged male illegal immigrants are within our borders. Many are from China or Islamic countries. Will they form a fifth column?

3.    If Trump actually wins the election (unlikely IMO because the winner will be determined by those who count the votes) these fifth columnists will be activated, a state of national emergency will be declared, and civil liberties and elections will be suspended.

4.   What will the fifth columnists attack? Low hanging fruit. The electrical grid. Municipal water systems. Railroad tracks and bridges.

5.   Local terror?


I devoutly hope I’m wrong.

Circular firing squad

The Colorado GOP Party continued infighting won’t do anything to return Colorado to a red state, or even a purple state.


I’m a registered Independent who “leans” Republican. This is not for any love for most of them; rather a loathing of (P)regressive Democrats.

Parting Remark

As always, YMMV


Greybeard said...

I'll now adopt the "no underwear" idea.
I have the same attitude.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

To add, "Your opinion may be important, just not to me".

drjim said...

First time I hears of a Jackalope was as kid when we stopped at a diner in Wyoming on our trip Out West. Thought it was pretty funny.

I have *zero* idea what the next few months have in store. I expect it may be unpleasant.

Old NFO said...

Key is to be ready for 'anything'... maybe even Jackalopes...

drjim said...


Did I miss anything??

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Many tourists have been befuddled by jackalopes.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I'm too old to run.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

About covers it.

Wild, wild west said...

Combination of Commanche depredations on the Texas and Oklahoma frontiers coupled with Sherman marching thru Georgia and Sheridan marching thru the Shenandoah Valley whilst the Stalinists go after the Kulaks and those are well within the capabilities of Deep State to go at it. And we are all Kulaks now.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Kulaks weren't armed.

Wild, wild west said...

An armed Kulak is a happy Kulak.

Well Seasoned Fool said...


LSP said...

The Green Terrs are a thing, I know this.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I'm not familiar with the term and Google is no help.