Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Democrat Playbook, Lie


Trump’s Fault?

Copied from a Facebook post by a woman I graduated with from High School. How does a rancher’s wife stay a rabid Democrat? Makes me regret once having my hand..............

Want to lay bets the false checkers at Facebook leave this one alone?

As always, YMMV


Ami said...

It's easy to research the points in that meme. Also, trump has lost his mind. Like seriously. He's deteriorating mentally. Watch some videos of him a few years ago and look at him now. He's not okay.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I hoped, against any common sense, the Democrats would nominate a great candidate. I cannot vote for Kamala and another Obama 4th term. That leaves Trump. As to those 'points', everyone is a spin. What happened, happen on Biden's watch after he took office. His responsibility.

Old NFO said...

Sigh... Scream the lies long enough and loud enough...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

It is a proven tactic.

BillB said...

@Ami, I am curious as to what you see as Trumps mental decline. He is a different person than he was 8 years ago, 4 years ago and especially since July 13th. He seems to be more measured in his words and is making some different alliances but he can stand for hours speaking extemporaneously making sense in his Northeasterner way.

LSP said...

Wow. The derangement runs strong in that one. Some people say it's like a cult.

LSP said...

And who, we ask, is the Father of Lies.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Prince of darkness.