Monday, August 21, 2023

Hypocrisy, Writ Large


Al Gore, John Kerry, et al


Of course, the wealthy are justified as they do so much to insure the well being of the world and they must continue their work.

What is unusual is for them to be called out by environazis.


Careful, biting the hand that feeds you may cause you to need a real job.

Cutting out the Middleman Pawn Shop

Want to bet thieves have already found ways to defeat whatever safe guards these machines employ?

Yes, not much of a blog. Others bloggers have done a better job writing on topics that frost the family jewels, you should read them. Besides, it is only Monday.

As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Yep, and they ALWAYS have an 'excuse' for their behavior...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Piss on them.

LSP said...

Any post which exposes the climate hypocrites is a good post.

Wild, wild west said...

I have more respect for the thieves figgering out how to crack the phone machines than for Algore and John Effing Kerry.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

W.W.W Preaching to the choir for most readers who wonder by this blog.

A mission, thank you.