My neighbor down the hall was a successful businessman until diabetes and heart problems crippled him. His stated position now is he no longer cares what happens in the world. “Fuck it” is his motto. Then some event or government action sets him off and he starts bloviating.
“Tom”, I say. “You keep saying you don’t care”
That prompts a glare and one or two suggestions for me that would be very uncomfortable indeed.
More and more I find myself in agreement. The blatant criminality at all levels is out front; the bastards don’t even try to hide it. Maybe that is the master plan. So overwhelm us we quit caring.
Banner’s response.
So, less blogging. A couple of things tweaked my interest.
Green Wet Dream
It is only money.
Oh, the virtue signaling! Did the Colorado Legislator pass funding for this boondoggle? How many apartment fires will result from faulty battery fires, especially frozen batteries?
Riding in the winter? As someone whose sole transportation was a motorcycle for two years, college years, I can attest that Colorado winters are a challenge.
From the (P)gressive point of view, this will help keep Colorado blue.
Yet, Banner might enjoy riding on the back.
Gaia Shrugs
Paychecks matter.OK, University of Colorado, keep your funding coming by reaching “settled science” conclusions that the funders expect.
As always, YMMV
I still care but don't allow the things I can't control bother me more than they should. Twenty-eight years in the AF and 20 more in Civil Service has helped me control my temper. I do have to say that the occasional round of target practice also helps a great deal.
I have an electric mountain bike but am under no delusions it is good for the environment. It does allow me to stay more active and it is quiet enough I don't scare animals away when I am riding the trails and that is all I ask of it. If I wanted to help the environment I would lobby for more nuke power plants. Riding in the winter only works for me on prepared trails. Going off in the boonies I crash on the first turn. I do bow to your stick-to-itiveness for riding a motorcycle in a Colorado winter. You win!
Full disclosure. At the time I was riding a motorcycle I was working on my Commercial and Instrument tickets. General aviation is a grand way to spend lots of income and savings.
People riding electric bikes don't bother me. The state using our tax dollars to give them away does, a lot.
All you need to do is look at the number of apartment fires in NYC... That should be a 'clue' if anybody payed attention to the E-bike/Li batt charging issues.
Re the rest, I don't worry about stuff that is out of my control.
I was thinking about all the university housing in Colorado, especially Boulder.
I sympathize with Banner.
And we'll fight these satans with everything we've got.
I won't preach.
While not particularly religious, I do believe God will deal with it in his own time and way. Until then, we can't quit resisting.
Did you obtain Banner's consent for the er, scat p*rn photo?
I have reached a point of not bothering to discuss any of the issues. It does not matter if you're left, right, middle. Not one of our 'representatives' gives a shit for you or for me and wouldn't care if we all die except of course they need our tax dollars to support their own lavish lifestyles.
They're ALL liars, thieves and disgusting dregs of humanity.
Confession. That isn't Banner. I stole the picture from another blog.
As a Christian, I'm directed to live my life in such a way as to guide others to follow my example.
As a Patriotic America-loving Veteran, my job is to talk politics in such a way that scales fall from the eyes of stupid people.
I'm having trouble with the both.
I'm often confounded by intelligent people who refuse to see what is right in front of them.
It frightens me the implications our best have stopped caring.
jeff d
Seems that way.
Banner. So far, the only thing he won't eat is garlic stuffed olives. Just left it on the floor and walked away.
Many years ago in the car biz I would always attend any sales seminar conducted by the late Jackie Cooper. His key motivator, "Winners do what losers won't", stuck in my mind and became something I live with. For all my bitching, I can't quit on this country.
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