Friday, August 18, 2023

Every Blade of Grass


We had a nice phone conversation this afternoon. He is doing well, stabilized, and may be home in a day or two.

Being Mr Tech Wizard, he is frustrated with just having his cell phone to work with instead of enough computers at home to launch a moon mission.

He said to say, “Hi”, to all and that he will soon be back in battery.


LSP said...

Get well and prayers.

Well Seasoned Fool said...


Howard Brewi said...

Prayers, also somewhere I seem to remember reading that an iPhone has more computing capacity than the ones on the Apollo’s ships. Ales engineers were still using slide rules back then!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Howard B
When I lived in Seattle I knew a retired Boeing engineer who started with the B-47 and ended with the 777. Slide rule to CadCam. I once watched him use a slide rule (the size of small paddle) solve a skylight design calculation while another engineer was still typing.

Old NFO said...

Good news! I've been off the net since last Wednesday!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

He will probably have a post up soon.