Sunday, July 2, 2023

Mr. Maytag - Always Agitating

Integrity at CU Boulder???

Who wuddathunk.


Pressure Relief Valve

There is a lot of chatter about censoring the internet which prompts my contrarian nature to see another angle.

The internet allows anyone who wants, to bloviate.  Does that have any real impact on those in control? Rather, does it keep the level of “pissed off” low enough to prevent an uprising?

The downside, for the “elite” is the occasional exposure of chicanery and debauchery. Over time, they seem to have become adept at “managing” the problem through stalling and creating new hot topics to deflect and divert scrutiny.

Given the millions of dollars spent developing psyops, that can be applied to any enemy, should we be surprised when we citizens are targeted?

From Google.

The joint PSYOP process consists of seven phases: planning; target audience analysis (TAA); series development; product development and design; approval; production, distribution, dissemination; and evaluation. Each of these phases is designed to apply to any type or level of operation.

 (P)regressive Neighbor

Neighbor: “Can’t you say anything good about Gov. Polis?”

WSF: “He is term limited”.

Colorado Air Quality

Recently exchanged comments with DrJim (Every Blade of Grass) on the subject of Colorado Vehicle Emission inspections.  I no longer do mechanical work on vehicles beyond adding fluids. My motor skills have declined and, due to thin skin and blood thinners, any bump produces ugly bruises.

Recently my middle son’s car needed a catalytic converter replaced. On his car it is a fairly simple bolt and replace. As anyone who has ever worked on exhaust systems learns, bolts freeze, threads get stripped, etc. In the past I would have bought/rent/borrowed the tools needed.  That was a rabbit hole I didn’t want to go down.

Seek Out the Advice of Elders

This I believe. The problem, as I will soon be 79, is finding elders. (Yes, I stole that joke)


Headline from our local rag. The Monfort’s own the major league baseball team. I don’t have a dog in the fight but do admire a good wordsmith.

Keeler: If Dick Monfort hustled as hard as Rockies ground crews during Thursday storm, Denver could be great baseball town again

Accidental Hero

That would be me. Here is the long and convoluted background.     

The 92 unit building I live in, managed by and partially owned by Weld County Housing Authority,  has rent subsidies for many residents. The majority owners receive a substantial tax credit. New owners are buying the building.

Lack of trust in local government may well highest among senior citizens. The rumors about the consequences of new owners started flying among my neighbors.  

Right or wrong, my approach to any problem is hit it head on. How to deal with this one? Contact a county commissioner.

Years ago I promoted Lori Saine to the manager of a used car lot we operated in Windsor, CO. Across the street was a radio station operated by Dudley Brown, one of the founders of the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners. He helped Lori run successfully for state representative where she served two terms (Colorado is a term limited state).

Lori than ran for an open seat on the Weld County Commissioners and won a very close race.

I contacted Lori, she responded, and promised to investigate the situation.

Friday my cell rang. On the line was the head of Weld County Housing.

“Commissioner Saine asked me to call you…………

Cliff Notes: The new owners are obligated to continue the rent programs.

So now I’m a hero with my neighbors. Folks, I don’t want it, don’t want to be the go to man when they have problems, etc.

For the record I moved in here because it was available (still under construction), had an elevator, and was less than my new rent (jumped $145 a month) where I was living.

One paranoid question remains. If the issue wasn’t raised, would the outcome be different?


The plantings in the raised boxes at our apartment building are doing well.

 The poorly made boxes, not so much. Too much rain and not enough drainage it appears.

 Discrimination, Facebook edition

I’ve never been in Facebook jail despite posting many swiped memes, etc., under the heading of, “Stirring the Pot”.

I’m often hit by the false checkers but haven’t even been threatened.

Coffypot is a repeat offender. My middle son has been in Facebook jail three times. It hurts my feelings to be ignored!


This report shows Colorado losing population.


Out of Africa?

“Settled Science” credits humans as originating in Africa. I’ve never accepted that as the only answer. Now we have this study. 


Years ago my thinking was challenged by Elaine Morgan’s book, “The Descent of Woman”.

Hello “Unknown”

My header clearly states anonymous comments won’t be posted. I’m willing to have nearly any comment, that isn’t a scam, posted but, but, but put your handle on it!

As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Those who can, are voting with their feet... And you've screwed the pooch. YOU got answers. Now you'll be the answer man until you're gone...LOL

drjim said...

And Thank God for term limits. I was pretty disappointed when he beat Walker, who I thought was a far better candidate.

My biggest hassle with exhaust systems is getting the rusty bolts loose, especially if you need to reuse them. Sometime back when I was collecting Toyota parts for the Supra, I bought several sets of the exhaust studs that screw into the head, and the special nuts for them. I also bought a couple of sets for the intake manifold, but they don't usually get as corroded as the exhaust. Back In The Day, I was pretty good welding exhaust tubing. I found gas welding a bit easier, as welding thin wall tubing takes a small rod, and low current, or you'll blow the tubing to smithereens.

I guess WE'RE The Elders now, so we can talk amongst ourselves.

God to hear things will be business as usual at your building. Hey, you had the contact, and the contact made the exchange with the Housing Authority possible.

SLW likes to repurpose stuff for her garden plants. After she killed a bunch of plants from root rot, I made sure any item she used had a few drainage holes drilled through it.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

No good deed goes unpunished.

The GOP doesn't like to get their hands dirty and they get out hustled by the Dems. A street fighter like Bobert makes them uncomfortable. They much prefer to campaign in Yuma where they will be feted instead of Commerce City. What is frustrating to me is places like Commerce City and Aurora are winnable if the GOP is willing to get their hands dirty. As an example, Mike Coffman is a solid Republican and is the mayor of Aurora.

Ritchie said...

I left your benighted foothills late last year. Sold a 2BR old condo and bought an 11 year-old 3BR house for the exact same price in Small City New Mexico. As a bonus I got a fresh set of political criminals.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Congratulations on your Coloexit. Too bad NM is infected with the Cali virus but maybe you can vote it out.

Bohemian said...

I once got threatened with Book of Faces Jail for posting a Photo of a Vignette of Antique Collectibles that had a Nude but Tasteful 1800's Female Cabinet Card of a lovely Bohemian Beauty of that Era. With all the actual Porn circulated I was shocked they took issue with my Tame Nude Antique Image, but I guess someone clutched their Pearls and reported it? Some Moderator whose never seen the Female Form perhaps? *LOL* Then a Friend of mine said he served Time in FB Jail for a similar Taboo... his Crime... on Breast Cancer Awareness Month he posted a Meme of Breast Cancer Survivors proudly and transparently showing their Scars from having a Breast removed... how scandalous... Eye Roll. Sometimes when I see what they allow and what they Censor, I have to wonder who chooses the Jokers who Moderate these sites? I've not yet been to Blog Jail... but, I've pushed the Ticket numerous times.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Interesting. Maybe I can find and post a picture of Nancy Pelosi in a bikini.