Friday, December 31, 2021

A Day Too Late


A major prairie fire yesterday devastated parts of Boulder County.

We have had an extremely dry fall with no snowfall along the Front Range until today


We didn’t get much but enough to lessen fire danger. I doubt we will get much more this week.

 My heart goes out to the people who have lost everything. While I recently wrote in my blob titled “Sprawl” about all the housing developments, the devastation isn’t something I wish on anyone.

As Sisty pointed out to me, that area is near Coal Creek Canyon, a natural funnel out of the Foothills and notorious for high winds. The highway from Golden to Boulder is frequently closed, year around, for high winds.

Housing is going to be a big issue. There are few homes for sale in this hot real estate market and as many as eight applicants are in line for area apartments.

When a whole neighborhood was lost in Colorado Springs a few years ago, people were commuting from as far away as Walsenburg, 100 miles away. One son was involved in managing a motel there at the time.


 This morning I proved PPPPP. All this past week I planned on visiting my offsite storage unit. Today I went during the snow storm. Luck?  Walking to my unit, I noticed a Murphy Special wiring job. While rummaging in the unit, I heard a “pop” behind me. Turning, I saw the wiring on fire. A few tugs and the burning part of the wiring was on the ground. That still left an exposed live electrical box.

I was able to contact the owners and alert them. I suspect some renter will soon get an eviction notice.


Banner isn’t pleased with the change in weather. As winter progresses (hopefully with a lot of snow) he will adjust. I need to make sure of my footgear. A 80 lb lab hitting the end of the leash can cause an old man to fall.

ADDENDUM: Maybe Every Blade of Grass will get to use his new snowblower.


LSP said...

I saw the fire news and was worried. Glad you're ok. Swift work on the fiery electrics.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thanks for the concern. These fires were about 40 miles Southwest of my location.

Old NFO said...

Yep, timing couldn't be much worse for those folks. Hope they DO find shelter. And nice catch on the wiring! They should give you a free year or so for that!!!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Free would be nice!

Greybeard said...

Amazing how many stupid people there are about electronics.
How many fires are caused by folks overloading "Power strips" thinking those things are the cure for their electric difficulties?
The junkyard photo interests me...
We watch a bunch of old movies on TCM and I slobber each time I see an old Coupe from the late '30's or 1940. The metal divider in the windshield is a dead give-away.
That old Buick is interesting. It's a shame the Corvair is a four-door. But there are some gems tucked away in the background!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

That is just one auto graveyard in this town. I took that picture to illustrate snowfall. Since then we hav received 6".

1/4 mile from that spot is an old VW operation. Probable 100+.