Monday, May 28, 2018

T'aint Easy

That torture device has been in use now for nine months, on an almost daily basis. It is one of the few exercise machines that doesn’t  cause debilitating pain in my knees. Many free style exercises hurt my knees.

Every since receiving a pacemaker some time back, my physical condition has deteriorated. Per the cardio quack, my condition, bradycardia (abnormal slow heart rate) seldom happens but without the pacemaker it could be fatal. Not the heart stopping, the subsequent face plant. The pacemaker has an accessible memory.

After nine months of watching my diet and exercise, my weight is down 50 lbs. Whee, only 1/3 of the loss I need!

Coming up on my 74th trip around the sun, I cannot expect the body to respond quickly. When I was much younger, it still took four or more months to make the physical changes I was working towards. Stubborn genes, I suppose.

300 yards from my apartment is a long term care facility I pass nearly every day. Each time I pass my motivation is bolstered.

Meditating on what day this is, I am grateful I’m still here to have these challenges.

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