Sunday, February 25, 2018

Grumpy Old Bastard Rant

Favorite Daughter in Law (FDIL) refers to me as GOB (Grouchy Old Bastard), an improvement over the previous EFIL (Evil Father in Law). Today’s rant is about Nanny State thinking.

Per Social Security regulations, a health insurance premium amount will be deducted regardless if any health insurance is bought. This per my insurance agent (and I’m too lazy to find out if he is wrong). The company he recommended is United Health Care. For the most part, they have been ok. Paid the bulk of my pacemaker episode and cover a large portion of my prescriptions. Why the rant, GOB?

Starting last year, they have taken to nagging me about flu shots, colonoscopies, annual health checks and the like. This comes as phone calls and a blizzard of emails. Damn nanny thinking on their part.

I pay them for insurance, only. I have my own primary health care provider who I see twice a year, a community health clinic, and my own cardiologist which they can easily determine by looking at my claims. Why do they deem it necessary to try and monitor my health without my requesting they undertake that responsibility?  

I get the argument they are trying to contain costs by keeping people healthy. Best method? Send out information as to how they propose to do this. Offer the insured the option to opt out. Simple, no?

They mail me stuff all the time that reads like a Shillary campaign mailing. I’ve unsubscribed from their emails and expressed my displeasure to the telephone callers (with their chirpy little voices and supercilious tone of voice). Still, it continues.

Well then, GOB, why don’t you change insurance companies? Answer. It is laziness, inertia, and not wanting to spend thirty minutes listening to my insurance agent. The man is even more boring than me.

GOB/WSF, what is the point of your rant? Just this, I’ve a glimpse of what the future will bring should the socialist dream of a one pay server come to fruition and I don’t want any part of it.


Ami said...

Been going in circles with my new doctor, who works for one of the big conglomerates. Apparently I *need* to have a hepatitis screening (even though I have ZERO of the risk factors) and this test and that test and that other one and then while we're doing that we can do this.... NO. Mostly I want to be left alone. I get emails and phone calls, too. Spend a little time almost every day dumping messages.

My doctor of 16 years was working for the conglomerate because a solo practice wasn't making a living for her. She had to spend too much time arguing with insurance companies and trying to get people who could work there without trying to steal prescription blanks.

She left because she said that the conglomerate isn't there to take care of people at all. They only exist to take care of their bottom line.

Sort of like our US Government 'representatives'.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Sound like Group Health in Seattle.

LL said...

The Health Maintenance Organization philosophy is to help you take proactive measures toward the end that your health is better. I received a call last week asking, "when can we schedule your colonoscopy?" I scheduled it - still upcoming. Better to take precautionary measures IMHO. It also saves them money by keeping you healthier - which is not a bad thing either way.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The concept is ok. I resent any effort to exercise dominion over me. My decisions, not theirs. Hence, GOB.

Old NFO said...

Agree with LL, at least mine is through the VA, so I don't get all the BS mailings and phone calls...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

All I've gotten from the VA is delays. Yet to get an appointment.

Old NFO said...

Damn! Really? Sorry to hear that. I've not had to wait more than a couple of weeks, including surgery. But we do have a clinic locally, which may help.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Partially my fault for not pushing the issue. Glad you are getting served.