A more useless money tick sucking program would be hard to find. Every other year, before you renew your tabs, you must have your vehicle tested if you live along the Colorado Front Range.
The places are staffed by either anal retentive former hall monitors or scruffy high school dropouts. Watching the tester abuse my truck on the treadmill while smirking and laughing with his co-workers made me want nothing more than to throat punch the whole bunch.
Next stop is the county Clerk and Recorder where I can pay double or more than I paid four years ago for the same vehicle.
The Democrats have problems raising taxes due to the state Constitution so they gleefully raised every damn fee they could find.
As to the Recorder's office, those people are about as good as you can hope for with government employees.
So, here is to the end of this cry, piss, and moan.
ADDENDUM: Colorado specific - stinks, no reeks, of corruption.
We have the same fucking thing here. Our "representatives" called it a way to improve our roads (we've since been told that we can't afford to fix our roads so we have to raise taxes) by calling it a 'transportation package'. Doubled our fees. And we have to have the smog test thing, too.
Stupid fucking idiots.
Your comments are always welcome. I'm always impressed with your full throttle opinions.
That's what happens with Kalifornia transplants in charge...
Another good argument for immigration control.
Well, that sucks. Now, if you move just north of the border you don't have any of those issues. Wink, wink.
Exactly why we call it Calorado.
Wyoming has many charms but cheap license plates are not among them.
If the stars were aligned, I would live in Saratoga.
And we call it Caltexarado, or those of us getting along in years with intact memories. Kali liberals and Texas bankers, a pox on both.
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