Friday, March 13, 2015

Down the Rabbit Hole

Where I compare anti gun (P)regressives with anti gay zealots.

A friend from high school days and I have coffee from time to time and discuss politics. While we seldom agree, we disagree without being disagreeable. In fact, I admire and respect the passion she brings to her points of view. She has literally put both her physical, social, and professional well being on the line many times. Once I was talking about firearms rights and she interjected, “What about my right to feel safe”?

That is precisely the problem. One person’s rights ends where someone else’s feelings begin. We are a nation of some 310,000,000 or so with a firearms death rate, minus suicides, of around 20,000 a year. That is statistically insignificant (unless you or a loved one is among the 20,000). Yet enormous funds and efforts are expended to ban firearms. Let us not delude ourselves, “common sense” firearm control measures are just a step towards outright bans.

Homosexuals make up about 3% of the population from what I read. From what I read, their orientation is hard wired; that is the way they are. Although I can’t find hard numbers, say another 10% of the population is gender ambivalent. Yet again enormous funds and efforts are expended passing laws that are not enforceable. Again, not to delude ourselves, religious beliefs are behind most of the anti homosexual efforts.

What is wrong with just leaving people the hell alone to get on with their lives? Answer?  Hate.

People seem to have a need to gather themselves into groups where hate is socially acceptable, even worthy of praise, within the group. They are not content unless forcing dominion over others and demanding everyone embrace their values and world view. Usually mixed into the brew is a financial benefit to some in the group or the ability to operate without getting shot.

An armed society is an egalitarian society. 

I cannot say homosexuals have directly impacted my life. Could be I’m just not that attractive. What has impacted my life through relations with family and friends are pedophiles. Strangely, most of the pedophiles were bent heterosexual.

I believe I have a right to defend my physical safety to include others who may be around me. I have no right to not feel uncomfortable when someone else’s rights are in question. Tolerance is the principal here.  YMMV


juvat said...

WSF, No disrespect intended, but would you elaborate on this statement, please? "That is precisely the problem. One person’s rights ends where someone else’s feelings begin."
Do you mean to say, that my rights are limited by another person's feelings? That would seem to say that my rights are not rights, but are defined by someone else. E.G. I have the right to free speech, but only to the extent I don't offend someone, anyone else in the world.
In that case, there is NO free speech, there will always be someone who is offended by what someone else says.

DoninSacto said...

This, "I have no right to not feel uncomfortable when someone else’s rights are in question." should be every civilized persons montra.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

My intent was to describe a mindset. You have elaborated my point better than I can.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Thank you.

Old NFO said...

Ah, the KEY point. Tolerence... That means it has to go BOTH ways... And that ain't happening, as we well know!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Often it hard to be tolerant, or know when to back away, or when to stand and fight. One thing for sure, I distance myself from intolerant people.

Scotty said...

Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to come out!! :D

Well Seasoned Fool said...

True, but totalitarians come in all flavors.

CenTexTim said...

Not to pile on your friend, but where does 'the right to feel safe' come from? Or even 'the right to not feel uncomfortable'?

Just to give one example, do I have a 'right to feel safe' when walking through the ghetto?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

My friend is a Progressive's Progressive. Has two Master Degrees. Issued the first same sex marriage licenses while the County Clerk and Recorder in the Peoples Republic of Boulder. For two people who graduated together from the same small high school (42 in our class) we could be from different planets. Without being disagreeable, we agree to disagree.

Momma Fargo said...

I don't like the word tolerance in some aspects. It sounds so dirty. I tolerate you. You tolerate me. It sounds negative. I believe we need to leave people alone and let them be free. Well, except the criminals. I don't like the fact we think we have to pass laws against all the types of discrimination, but alas, we cannot govern ourselves properly so they are necessary. It is getting to the point I feel we will be signing to wipe our butts. On the gun issue, I feel people are anti-gun or for gun control because they are afraid of them, don't understand them, and have never been raised around them. They piss me off because they are uneducated. Just like bigots. Come to think about it, I am sounding a little intolerant. Smoochies! LOL

Momma Fargo said...

I don't like the word tolerance in some aspects. It sounds so dirty. I tolerate you. You tolerate me. It sounds negative. I believe we need to leave people alone and let them be free. Well, except the criminals. I don't like the fact we think we have to pass laws against all the types of discrimination, but alas, we cannot govern ourselves properly so they are necessary. It is getting to the point I feel we will be signing to wipe our butts. On the gun issue, I feel people are anti-gun or for gun control because they are afraid of them, don't understand them, and have never been raised around them. They piss me off because they are uneducated. Just like bigots. Come to think about it, I am sounding a little intolerant. Smoochies! LOL