A post aimed primarily at my extended family who occasionally wanders by.
Yesterday time spent some time with my youngest son, FDIL, grandkids and their cats and dogs at Fort Carson, home to his unit. He is being medically discharged.
For the past three-plus years, he has been on detached duty at Dugway, UT as a 68W Health Care Specialist (Medic).
His body has been damaged to the point he cannot continue to serve. He would rather stay in but that is not an option at this point.
Thankfully, both the Army and the VA are doing right by him, due in part, I'm sure, to his forceful personal advocacy.
Next week they will be on their way to upstate South Carolina where he has an EMT type job waiting and a home they are buying.
Enjoyed my time with them and am looking forward to visiting them in SC. Just for the record, my grandkids are way cuter than yours.
Thankfully he IS being taken care of, and I wish him the best in the new environment. And glad you got some time with family, that is always good! :-)
I don't have any grandchildren, but I am sure yours are marvelous.
I'm a big fan of kids in general. You probably knew that.
Thank you. Here is hoping their upcoming 1300 mile trip goes smoothly.
Hope someone like you is there when they go from 7 to 9 in a classroom to 50.
Just a suggestion, if he isn't already doing it. DON'T go it alone! Have the DAV, at the very least, representing.My experience has taught me not to have a lot of faith the the VA's service officers.
Thanks for the suggestion, I will pass it on.
Please thank him for his service and pass along best wishes for the future.
Thank you. From one of his FB postings.
Believe it or not, I love The Army and will miss it dearly. I was able to save lives, help people around the world and locally. I was able to serve my fellow service members and civilians. I found my calling, and will be doing the same thing as a civilian, serving the community and helping the sick and injured. There is no better job on earth then serving the community.
Congrats to you. You obviously did a good job raising him.
Thank you.
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