Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Care Packages

Greybeard at Pitchpull  talks about “Care Packages” received and one’s he plans to send. Though I might share what pleased my son and his buddies while my son was at Kandahar.

Along with the usual stuff, I sent him a wrist rocket. He had a lot of fun with one as a young teen. Thought he could plink rodents or just targets. Instead, he and his buddies employed it for a “Hearts and Minds” effort.

Seems they had a supply of Jolly Rancher hard candies that they would give to the Afghan kids as a friendly gesture. Seems the kids like to throw rocks and feces at our people in the guard tower, and especially the gunners in open turrets as the convoys moved along the roads. You can probably see where this is going.

The wrist rocket was used to dispense the hard candies to any kid that got too close, like close enough to throw something. My son tells me it was quite effective, especially head shots. Hey! The kids got candy!

The wrist rocket stayed in Kandahar when he came home. I’m not sure just how the use of the wrist rocket fit into the R.O.E., but I’m proud of my tiny contribution to the downrange effort and troop morale.

Yes, I know, used this material last year.