Saturday, April 14, 2012

Vote Early, Vote Often

Here is a challenge for all the people who want a new president and a new congress. Become an Election Judge.

Chicago area resident? You can get paid.

Google is your guide.

You commit to some brief training and one hellish long election day. You prevent, or at least slow down, election fraud - ballot box stuffing.

Some states have each party provide judges.  In heavy Democratic counties, the GOP probably has a hard time filling their allocation.

Consider our military. Less than one half of one percent of our population serves. Only half the country votes. Here you can serve your country without leaving home and have a direct impact.

Having served as an Election Judge, I can tell you some ugly confrontations can occur. I remember a party hack that brought a bus load of “voters” to the polling place. I refused to certify them. Got ugly; shouting and shoving. They didn’t vote at my polling place.

Someday I may figure out this new blogger setup. Oh, well.


Old NFO said...

Hadn't thought of that... I'll look into it when I retire! Thanks!!!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ NFO Can be hard to do when your job has you traveling all the time.