Saturday, October 16, 2010

Walker, KS Lesson

Small town Kansas has many fine churches. This one is in Walker, about twelve miles East of Hays and just off Interstate 70.

Once this was a thriving town, able to support a parochial school. Imagine the effort, dedication, and pride that went into making all this happen. Now the people are gone because the jobs are gone.

The state of USA agriculture, and the social impact changes have brought, has been analyzed by much more qualified people than me. We had waves of immigrants that came here for a better life. That life started with a JOB.

Today, the jobs can be moved to the people, and not in the USA. What happened to Walker, KS, is happening to this country as a whole. While taking the photos, a resident came over and talked to me. Nice man, and hungry for something novel, if only a stray tourist. Bad teeth, high starch consumption complexion, submissive body language, and wearing his Wal Mart work shirt. We talked for several minutes and I learned he is a fourth generation resident. I doubt his present is the future his forefathers wanted for him.

Recently, the GPS in my vehicle rerouted me through parts of Birmingham, AL. Block after block of burned out houses. Sullen, defeated people walking the sidewalks. Nothing cheerful in sight. What a challenge to make a life and raise children in that environment.

Folks, this is your children, grand children, and great grand children’s future if things don’t change. One of my jokes is the difference between a Republican and a Democrat is this; the Republican is focused on how the pie is divided and the Democrat is focused on making sure there is a pie.

Wealth gainfully earned I respect. Our government should not hinder those activities that make it possible. Unfortunately, greed and power follows, allowing the haves to exercise dominion over the have nots and exclude new players. We need referees, keeping the playing field level. That is the function of government. That is why we need the 2nd Amendment; so we wage slaves don’t become literal slaves. Google “Ludlow Massacre”.

So, how to create change? Get involved, at the local level, in politics. Talk to people who don’t agree with you. Try to find some common ground. Don’t be a passive victim; raise hell. It is something like contact sports. You will get bruised but they will know you were there and probably will avoid provoking you. Give thanks for what you have and thank those who do good to/for you. As an example, at a state highway rest stop, the worker cleaning the place was in the lobby. I went up to him and thanked him; that it was great to have a clean place to use. My thanks was sincere. If the place was filthy, I would have no problem finding out who supervises the facility, contacting them, and making my feelings known. It just takes a little effort.

I read a lot of conservative blogs. I also read leftist blogs. Each has one common detonator and that is nasty name calling. No respect for the oppositions viewpoint and personal disrespect freely given. If problems are going to be solved, we need to get back to being a civil society. Now it is who has power to ram it down the other throat. We are all in the same boat. If we can’t find ways to row in the same direction, we may all end up swimming.


Old NFO said...

Great post WSF, thanks for the education in words and pictures about what is happening here in the US. People NEED to wake up and get involved...

Anonymous said...

You won't stop, will you?


Anonymous said...

When WSF stops his musings, his heart will be stopped. That won't happen for a long time. He does keep life interesting. I think that it is too many hours on the road with only himself for company. Very dangerous!!!
