What is it? Came across this critter on County Road 75 North of Trinidad, CO. Not moving out of the way so drove around it. I believe you shouldn't bother anything that isn't bothering you. I'm hoping someone can identify it. Yes, I already know it is a snake, Cody!
From the picture it looks to have the markings of a young Burmese Python. My Grandma had one as a pet when I was growing up. If it is a python, somebody's pet has escaped and it won't last long in Colorado's cooler weather.
That just looks like a run of the mill colorado bull snake to me. ITs skin it just lighter because it most likly just shedded its skin and its new. Ive killed about 300 of them in my life at differnt farms we lived at, you see the most when your place is by the water. hope this helps
Sorry to post again, i know its a bull snake but google bull snake and youll see the pictures are identical with yours. He's long to. They cant hurt you but if they do bite you it will swell and make the skin around the bite turn like purple black about 2 inchs all the way around the bite. I know from experience. GREAT Photo Wellseasonedfool! It belongs in the national geographic
OK probably a bull snake. It was a long ways from town to be a dumped pet. Thanks for the compliment on the snap.
You got it bro! Get ready because my wife wants spring pictures in a month or so!
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