Wednesday, March 5, 2025

If You Have Some Time, You Might Find Something of Interest Here


Economic Indicator?

Nearby is Earthroamer, a builder of very expensive, no compromise RVs. While they don’t appeal to me (even if I could afford one); too much wretched excess IMO, I keep an eye on the operation. I know folks associated with what they do. They have a section on their web page, Preroamed, which typically have five or six units. Now they have twenty four ranging in price from $395,000 to $1,600,000. Not sure what that indicates exactly. Your thoughts?

 More Wretched Blue Bullshit

Gun show edition.


I haven’t attended a gun show in years, having other things I want to spend disposable income on.

You Go, Sister Kink!

Lori Saine, who has appeared in this blog many times, wants to be the new Colorado Republican Party Chair.



Sisty’s reaction?

“Aw, lardy”

Changes, more changes, local interest

Kenny’ Steak House is closed and a wing place will be moving in. So what, WSF? The Kenny in Kenny’s is Ken Monfort, owner of the Colorado Rockies among many other things. For over thirty years that was the place Republican movers and shakers gathered.

The Monfort family sold their packing plant to JBS.

 In the years the Monfort’s owned the packing plant, the left lane of the Interstate Highways was known as the Monfort lane. They used a two team driver system, four hours on and four hours off. This allowed them to run non-stop to New York City.

 If you happen to attend a Denver Bronco football game you will see one of their horses, “Thunder”, an Arabian.

 Side note: In years past, Sisty and her late husband were often involved with Thunder, being neighbors to Monfort’s ranch. 



Near Rock Springs, WY is a huge deposit of Trona. Mining it has given the region a stable financial base. Now there is a new owner. 


Nearby is Kemmer, WY where Bill Gates is involved in building small scale nuclear reactors.

Circa 1970’s that area was part of my sales territory. When that fuckwad Jimmy Carter imposed the 55 mph speed limit, it hit my income. Fewer calls, less earnings.

Rant, Clickbait

What pisses me off is to click on a headline that interests, me only to read (or listen) to long winded verbiage. Get to the fucking point! Or, as the military instructs, bottom line first! I very rarely finish whatever caught my attention. Info advertisements are the worst offenders.

So, WSF, are you certain you are not merely jealous? You have great difficulty trying to come up with a blog title. 

Fuck off!

 As always, YMMV

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Most times are interesting, but recent times?


Math with a dash of sarcasm

A favorite columnist, Jon Caldara, discussing nuclear energy.


Even the environazis are seeing the light.


Still, rice bowls need to be broken



So, WSF. More wolves? Yep.



Loveland, CO on Garfield Avenue just North of Highway 34 is a Tesla dealership. When I drove by Saturday afternoon, about 20 protesters were on the sidewalk. With neither time nor interest I didn’t try to read their signs or listen to their shouts.

Do you think Elon will be disturbed by this demonstration?


Parking scofflaws and winter roads.



The furnace repairman arrives.

Husband:    “Let me show you the thermostat”.

Repairman: “I see it right down the hall”.

Husband:     “That is my wife’s thermostat. Let me show you the thermostat”.

Old joke. How well would that work with the new ‘smart’ thermostats?

Keep Colorado Blue

Emperor Polis is term limited. Paul Wiser, current Attorney General and in Polis’ pocket has announced for Governor. Now, another Polis sycophant has announced for Attorney General.


Like Obama, Polis wants that third term, and/or US Senate. My hope? President Trump’s success in the next two years will turn Colorado Red. More voters are unaffiliated than belong to either party. Add, the huge mess our State government has become. If nothing else will make people use their glass belly button wiper, then we are doomed.

More Blue. Qualified or not qualified?


Shouldn't that be the question rather than preferred pronouns?

Blue, Woke an Green – who is that working out?


A DOGE and rights win

An editorial about the scale of federal law enforcement. Trimming this would save money and reduce threats to our rights, an lives. Waco, amyone?



There is a lot of pain as this plays out. People close to me are being hurt. They are good people, working hard to do right. You can be assured the entrenched bureaucrats will see the cuts start at the bottom before moving up to their positions. Example? USFS cutting the boots on the ground firefighters.

Will many of the wealthy exploit the turmoil to further enrich themselves? Does a bear shit in the woods?

Will we emerge at the end of 47’s (assuming he isn’t murdered) term a stronger and more prosperous nation? Yes! No pain, no gain?

Old Memory

Many years ago watching the Seafair Torchlight Parade with my sons, I noticed a frail older gentleman in a wheel chair a few feet away. How early he had to arrive to get a curbside space I can’t guess. As the colors came up the street, I saw him struggling to stand up. Pissing of many spectators I stepped onto the street, went to his chair, and helped him to his feet. As he stood I steadied him, then we both saluted the colors as they passed. I helped him back into his chair and went back to my sons. I don’t think we said a word. I’d forgotten this until my middle son mentioned it the other day.

I understand the parade has morphed into something I wouldn’t watch today. Sad.

 As always, YMMV

Once again, a reminder, no how well written, anonymous comments won’t be published. The only censorship on this blog. Trolls OK, if that is your thing. See the header picture.

Sunday, February 16, 2025



Politics and Money

Do politicians spend more time raising money than dealing with their elected positions? Do they start out idealists and become corrupted by the system? Or, are they simply into politics for what is in it for them?

From my favorite movie, Used Cars, Rudy Russo explains how it works.

As Elon Musk and the DOGE continue to uncover the swamp, IMO, a serious look at how people get elected needs to be examined. Hopefully, despite human nature, a better way may be found. Term limits? Limited campaign time?

In Colorado, we have several examples of incumbents running for reelection. Once reelected, they resign and their successor is picked by committee, not the voters. Stinks, IMO. Looking at you, Demorats.

 As always, YMMV

Thursday, February 13, 2025

0800 4/29 PST


Make (P)ergressives Clutch Pearls?

Not a bad idea. Given the cost of ammo and the distance to a shooting range, I may pass.


Social Security Fraud

DOGE has uncovered massive Social Security fraud. Why not take those 55,000 IRS employees Biden hired and put them to work on this? Or, helping with the administrative side of deportations.

 Selma, AL

Reading this stirred a memory again about this time I our history.


 I had a job testing pre-production cars and trucks around 2010-2012 that involved frequent trips to Montgomery, AL and the Hyundai plant.

Often I would have a day or two lay over. On one occasion I visited Selma.  Two things struck me during my visit. Among the patrons at a small restaurant where I had lunch were two black policemen. Nobody in the place seemed to find that unusual including the policemen. The second was a fairly elaborate interpretive walk near the Edmund Pettus Bridge. While well done the walk was rundown and full of trash! This angered me.

Everywhere you go in the South you will see Confederate cemeteries in great condition (and some neglected). It struck me black university fraternities and sororities could damn well devote a few weekends a year maintaining the place as a matter of pride and honoring the people who bleed and died there advancing civil rights. 

Late Night Musings

Was I born a rebel? No, more like born a malcontent. Is it my Irish DNA? The Irish will seldom fight for anything but will always fight against everything.

 Deep State

Back when Willie was running for President, the mantra was, “It is the economy, stupid”. The Swamp and their camp followers will scream, “Orange Man Bad” as loud and shrill as possible hoping the sheeple will ignore the evidence pilling up that we dirt people have been hosed for decades. Will it work?

Do Environazis Clutch Pearls?

President Trump’s nominating Kathleen Sqamma as BLM Director is giving them vapors. Horrors! She currently heads up The Western Energy Alliance working to promote the interests of oil and gas producers.

Who are they?


First order of business is moving the BLM Headquarters back to Grand Junction, CO.

Soon there will more good paying jobs available for the common folk of the rural West instead of service jobs catering to those wealthy enough to afford to recreate. Can’t happen soon enough, IMO.

 Next target? Hopefully the Forest Service.

National Guard

Deploying Nation Guard members outside the United States, absent a declared war, shouldn’t happen, IMO. I’ve always felt this to be proper. I’m likely to be in the minority on this subject.

The Biden Administration seemly used National Guard units as political pawns. Let us hope the Trump Administration is different.


While comments are not censored, anonymous comments, no matter how well written, are deleted. Folks, put a “handle” on your comment. It doesn’t need to have a link; must have a name!

 As always, YMMV


Thursday, February 6, 2025

Chaos and Confusion


President Trump

Am I enjoying what is happening? Damn right I am. Will some of what he will do piss me off? Undoubtedly. There is always a human cost that will be borne by people, both innocent and guilty; their children as jobs are lost and lifestyles disrupted. Anyone who has ever been kicked to the curb, for any reason, can remember the anger and despair that follows. Therefore, I will not be gloating.


Sheesh, WSF, don’t you ever get tired about harping about wolves. Nope. You can follow the links or skip over, your choice.



What, a government agency hiding information the public should know?

Shut up, Sheeple

And the fight goes on.

And she has big boobs

Immigration Wars

Denver and other Colorado cities are resisting.


I don’t have a problem with this. While not agreeing with them, I keep in mind Civil Rights Lawyer John H. Bryan’s admonishment, “My rights don’t end where your fears begin. Freedom is scary, deal with it.”

I respect people who will put their asses on the line even when I loathe what they stand for. I really dislike those who stay on the sidelines and bitch and moan.

Climate Change “News”

How do we tax this?


Wait! Here is a new need.


 Taxes, takes, taxes! More taxes!

DEI Sarcasm

 Prime Time


A place seldom visited by WSF. Now there is another reason.

Backing (P)regressive content providers.


WSF, isn’t it time for you to take your meds?

 As always, YMMV

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Politics and Weather; Neither Can be Avoided

 Tis’ a Privilege

Living in Colorado. Despite Californication, traffic, and miles of ugly two story houses on postage sized lots, the vistas remain. While hanging paper the other day, the air was crystal clear, the Front Range snow covered, the sun was shining, and just a few high cirrus clouds were over the mountains. Just looking at the mountains lifted my spirits.

A few days earlier an assignment took me 130 miles east in the high plains. There is much to see if you know to look and the land stretches seemingly forever.

 Perhaps these are, “stop and smell the roses”, moments?

 B.S. from our English Cousins

Once again, a study that pleases the ones funding it.


 Immigration War

 Activism” meets reality when President Trump’s Executive Orders turns of the ‘free’ Federal money.


Emperor Polis demonstrates his grasp of important issues.

Presidential Material


Colorado specific.

If you file taxes in Colorado, you must opt in to get your TABOR refund. Another sneaky (P)regressive money grabbing tactic.

 Along that line, Polis and fellow thieves are forecasting a budget shortfall while several agencies are sitting on previously allocated funds that have not been spent.

WSF gets racist

Big rig truck driving is a tough job. Truck companies have a tough time hiring drivers. Increasingly long haul truck drivers are immigrants with limited, or no, English. Articles like this one ignore that factor.


The only hint is one line.

Bowes noted that it’s only a half-joke that some of the drivers who don’t know the right procedures for mounting chains are seen on roadsides and chain stations in shorts and sandals in winter weather.

Also mentioned are understaffed State Patrol officers.

The same situation exists along I-80 in Wyoming compounded by low wages for snow plow drivers resulting in not enough snow plows.

OK, WSF, are you saying immigrants can’t drive trucks? No, immigrants aren’t trained, or prepared, for the loads and highways they are expected to traverse.

 I watch several YouTube channels involving tow companies working wrecks. Time after time the drivers have limited English.

 Disclaimer: Anyone who hired WSF to drive anything bigger than a one ton flatbed was foolish. One employer banned me from pulling trailers. A man should know his limitations. Sisty can fill you in on a box truck and low bridge in Casper.

Medical Care Rant

I’ve no major complaints about the medical care I’ve received. What I do complain about is just getting a @#$# appointment. For the patience impaired, such as myself, the endless, “Please listen to all the options………..”. Finally here the option I want and press the number. Now I hear again, “You have reached the …..Department. Please listen to the………… Aarg!

I begin to question whether I need the medical attention. Too often I just take two acetaminophen and say, “F**k it”.

Trust Fund Snots Keep on Keeping on

Colorado Politics


What kind of blog post would you expect from a grumpy old man?

Consider the fate of the dog, Banner, who must endure living with me

 As always, YMMV

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Anti-Government Rant

 Jackboot Thugs

Another story of the ATF doing a full scale raid on a couple’s home in the early hours and treating the man and wife like dangerous terrorists.  Why the heavy handed tactics when there was no need? 0800 go up and knock on the door. Second question, why wasn’t the county sheriff there? Two deputies in over their heads and likely not trained for that type of situation, would make me question why that sheriff needs to be reelected, if I were a voter in that county.

Hopefully the Trump administration will get this rouge agency under control.


 It has happened before.


And not just ATF


But wait, there is more.





Once again I’m seeing articles on how butter is bad and various “spreads” are healthier. Maybe, but something that is one molecule away from plastic isn’t something I want to ingest.

 Not all butter in the supermarket is the same. I try to find “first churned”, usually Amish, roll butter. Expensive, but my health is worth it.


I’m not a lawyer and haven’t stayed at a Holiday Inn Express in years. That said, I think SloJo’s handlers have made a huge blunder. Those “pardoned” can no long take the 5th, as I understand the way the system works. Slimy Milley didn’t just do it alone. He had aides, subordinates, who in the normal course of time will be promoted into higher position. They helped him, and they can be prosecuted. The head snake may escape but the pit of vipers can’t.

 There are scores of  MIlleys sitting on a Presidential pardon.

 Are these subordinates going to quietly accept their fate? Or, will they take out the threat to them? Will our national murder rate have an upswing?

 “If no one talks, we all walk”.

EV Blues

Trump pledges to target the EV industry, while Coloradans widely embrace their clean new cars

Typical leftist journalism click bait headline. Because of big subsidies (i.e. sucking at the taxpayer’s tit) some people buy electric vehicles. The rest of us paying for those subsidies are less enthusiastic.


My view? Go President, Trump, go!

Speaking of American Mainstream Maggots (h/t BZ)

Anonymous source, not authorized to speak publicly, says………….

Which likely means the anonymous source is the reporter’s imagination.

 He wants to be your next President

Such a good smoke and mirrors job he has done to Colorado, just imagine what he can do for the country!


Choice Pallet

I’m falling behind on the competition for the best pallet next to the stove with no fuel. LL, among others, is way ahead.

 As always, YMMV