Thursday, January 16, 2025

Wandering Thoughts from an Unfocused Mind


This is Embarrassing

 Fire Department

Electric Bill

Is anyone surprised that almost exactly ½ of my electric bill is for things other than electricity? That means every time I get an email from scumbag woke green power advocate Xcel telling me how to reduce my bill I get pissed.

This is an example of, instead of taxed to death, we are “fees” to death. Fee or tax, what does it matter? Hits my wallet exactly the same. Speaking of fees:

 At a morning news conference, members of the caucus announced a series of bills that Minority Leader Paul Lundeen, R-Monument, said would create an average annual savings of $4,500 per family if passed. The bills involve repeal of new fees and regulatory increases signed since 2019, rollback of regulations concerning homebuilding and new approaches to energy policy.

The announcement follows the December release of a study commissioned by the Colorado Chamber of Commerce that found Colorado is the sixth-most-regulated state and that 45% of its 170,000 rules are redundant or excessive compared to other states.

Has a snowball’s chance in hell passing, IMO.

Renewable Energy Aftermath

What a farce, these windmills. Petroleum fuel needed to construct them, petroleum lubricants in large quantities needed for their operation. Depending on the size, 60 to 700 gallons for a five mega-watt is needed for one generator.


The areas strip mined for coat is reclaimed and the idea of covering these windmill parts in the pits before they are covered is sensible. An idea so sensible the federal government takes four years to approve the practice.

P.S. As I travel around these windmills I’ve yet to see an EV service truck.


The stupidity continues. The area residents are getting wise. Flight tracking and map reading (state owned land) must irritate the mandarins.


Friends of mine in Routt County raise, train, and sell Akbash guardian dogs.  Want to take odds on owners of these dogs being prosecuted when one of their dogs kills a wolf?

Now some feel good group is offering a $100,000 reward for the conviction of anyone killing a wolf.


Secretary of State Jena Griswald (P) Colorado

Speculation is she intends to run for Governor. A recent comment about her from a polling firm says this:

SoS Jena Griswold (D) is thought to be interested, and is transparently ambitious, but also a somewhat polarizing progressive figure.”

 Adds Colorado Peak Politics:

No two words in polite English conversation describe Griswold better than “transparently ambitious,” yet we would throw in “ruthlessly” just for accuracy.

My guess is she will try for the United States Senate. I expect the incumbent saloon keeper won’t run again. She will lose, as Emperor Polis wants to be our next Senator.

Food Shortages

The Safeway I patronize frequently has noticeable shortages of eggs and dairy products. Not out, but seldom full shelves. Manufactured crap, yes. As an example, I put heavy cream in my coffee. No cholesterol. The cooler is seldom full. Next window over is “sweet creamer”. Reading the label you find a long list of ingredients but no dairy cream.

Pure Blood

Many of my neighbors in the apartment building are sick. Several are hospitalized. The common denominator seems to involve lungs and/or flu. Every one of them took the whole COVID regime shots.

One neighbor is militantly anti-vac. She and I seem to be the only ones in the building not afflicted. Lesson here?

 As always, YMMV


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Garbage Time

 The Biden criminal enterprise and fellow travelers are doing their worst to cement their garbage policies ahead of #47. May we hope the next four years will see them prosecuted?

Merge, merge merge,

Mergers are in the automobile news.. Stellantist is shedding car companies world wide. Honda is picking up Nissan. Great news!

Toyota is picking up Subaru. I’ve mixed feelings about that.

Stellantist is a case of bean counters making manufacturing and engineering decisions with the immediate bottom line the only consideration. The result is unreliable vehicles with horrible repair costs.

Will Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge/Ram survive?  Some dealers are sitting on two years of unsold vehicles. The vehicle reliability and quality suck.

A YouTube channel worth watching is CarEdge. Good information. I wouldn’t pay a penny for their services. As someone who sold cars for decades, I loathe their advice.

“What is your bottom line out the door price?”

Come to the dealership, face to face, and find out. Otherwise, fuck off and stop wasting my time.

I was selling Fords when Henry II checked out and Petersen took over as President. He implemented, “Quality is Job One”. Two years later Ford made a greater quarterly profit than the rest of the industry combined. All those electronics gewgaws mean nothing if the car won’t start or breaks down on your way to work. Worse, when there are so many engine failures that your vehicle sits at the dealership for ninety days because no replacement engines are available.

More Wolves

Show my surprised face that the Colorado State Mandarins aren’t keeping their promises to local livestock growers. 


Who might have guessed Federal Laws were broken? That calls for a full fledged FBI investigation. Might as well, they aren’t busy doing anything important.


Now a group is trying to get an initiative on the 2026 ballot repealing the law that created wolf introduction. I wish them well but am not holding my breath.



LSP writes fondly of London while discussing cities he likes. I have a hazy fond memory of this German town.

During my tour of Germany (1964-1966) the Kennedy Half Dollars were issued. The Germans were huge Kennedy fans and would pay around 5 Marks for one. (The exchange ratio was around 3.80 DM to one US Dollar). My parents would send me rolls of 50 cent pieces and I would sell them to the Germans. That made for some nice pocket money and some interesting social interactions. One night a buddy and I stopped in this German town. The locals were holding a Sekt Fest (sparkling wine) to raise money for some cause. We were asked to buy drinks for the servers, local townspeople volunteers. My buddy, more fluent than I, determined the their goal was to raise 400 DM. We coughed up 300 DM, declared an open bar, and got all the volunteers and attendees  drunk after some of the locals, not to be outdone by GIs, opened their wallets. We, of course, stayed somewhat sober (of course, WSF). Our good fortune was  being E-5s  on a weekend pass. Somehow we were able to sign in before 0600 Monday morning.

 Sorry, LSP, lower standards, and all that. Might we suspect you weren’t always a model soldier?

Press on Regardless


A rally the Detroit area SCCA sponsors. The name always struck a chord with me as that is my approach to life, in general. However, recently while running some errands I skipped grocery shopping. 

“Self”, I told myself, “You are retired, have no pressing commitments, have ample food in the apartment, and can come back when there are fewer shoppers”.

Someday I might embrace being semi-retired. Old Air Force Sarge will be my role model.

Starting the New Year with peace of mind

Cackles wasn’t elected. My rent increase was less than my social security increase. The difference might buy a Happy Meal; not complaining. My next washout check from my paper hanging gig will let me zero out all credit cards. My sons are doing well and my grand kids all seem to be on a positive path. I’m breathing air and taking nourishment.

Los Angeles Fires

It shows a lack of character not to have sympathy for people who have lost everything. That’s me. For once the elites are hit by their own stupid policies instead of hard working families in the Sierras.

I’m reminded of a California transplant, years ago, who was in a ditch off a snow covered road in her new Jeep Wagoneer. We drove her Jeep back on the road with no problems after we read and implemented the 4WD instructions on the dash placard.

My devout  hope is those now homeless LA residents don’t relocate in Colorado.

As always, YMMV


Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Another Trip Around the Sun. Happy New Year, Gaia


Wishing many the best for the New Year. Wishing my enemies a not so good New Year.

Not So Blue Colorado

Colorado has 64 counties. In this past election cycle the Democrats made a big push to elect Democrat County Commissioners. They failed.

The announcement:

The Colorado Democratic Party is proud to launch the Colorado County Comeback, a strategic initiative designed to take the fight to elect community-minded folks to battleground county-level district seats.

This project will prioritize targeted investments into counties and candidates, comprehensive campaign planning, rigorous training, and robust staff support for dynamic campaigns led by both incumbents and challengers. Ten applicants will be awarded with the initial grants, with more grant opportunities possible later in the year.


“It’s time to end the supermajority of far-right Republican commissioners in Colorado,” the state party’s website reads, noting that only 34 percent of county commissioners in Colorado are Democrats. “The next frontier of Colorado Politics is local. By focusing on local races, we’ll cultivate grassroots success that can translate into significant victories at the congressional and statewide levels.”

The result:


Colorado Democrats targeted county commissions in November; they ended up losing ground

DENVER — The more high profile outcomes of the November election includes Republicans flipping enough seats in the Colorado House of Representatives to cancel ruling Democrats’ supermajority. There was also Congressional District 8, where GOP candidates flipped both the US House and state board of education seats to the red column. Perhaps equally significant, though lesser known, is the Democrats’ targeted effort to flip county commissioner seats around the state, where after all the votes were counted they actually ended up losing ground.

While the Front Range white suburban moms, university enclaves, and mountain town trust fund snots have kept Colorado blue, the rest of the state is red. Not only red, but deep red.


One of Colorado’s best minds is Jon Caldara. He mixes clarity with humor and a deep knowledge of, “how things work”. Worth the read IMO.

Perhaps the smug residents of Aspen haave learned they are not as insulated as they thought from the consequences of their liberalism.


How I Became “Frank-the-tank”

1986 while working for the Sound organization (multi brands/stores car and truck sales) worked an offsite sale involving six different Sound stores. We salesmen were clustered around the entrances with a lot of jostling for position.

 One salesman, Jeff Johnson, tried to push me out of position. I pushed back and soon we were fighting. I got a shoulder under his armpit and leg swept him. He went on his ass and then jumped up. Don Chalmers, one of the store owners, got between us. Brave man, he was all of 5’6” and 140 lbs. Jeff glared at me then said, “Damn, you are a tank”.

 Jeff was a shot putter and football player at the University of Idaho. He made the 1980 Olympic team that Jimmy kept from attending the Moscow Olympics.

The picture was taken several years after the encounter. We became friends of sorts with both being in the car biz in the years after.

 I’m just over 6’. If I had a neck I would be 6’2”. At the time of the encounter I was about 220 lbs. At 16, I was wearing a size 52 jacket. Years of bucking hay bales at 8,000+ altitude gave me upper body size and strength. Had the fight continued, I probably would have lost; Jeff could pick up the back of a Harley.

New Orleans

Rather than pontificating about this attack, I refer you to Aaron Cohen.


I find him to be somewhat over the top. I do think he knows what he talks about. I like he offers solutions. Sadly, the people who can implement his suggestions lack the will. Perhaps that will change under Trump.

Senator Kennedy makes a promise.


 He will likely have a strong backer.

 As always, YMMV


Friday, December 27, 2024

Mass Deportations


Illegal Immigrant Wars

Texas shipped busloads to sanctuary city Denver. Denver used proxies to dump them in adjacent Aurora; most assuredly not a sanctuary city.


Mayor Coffman is a politician I admire and voted for when he was a Congressman. Term limited, he can be an asset to the Trump administration. There may be some bad blood because of the immigrant problem becoming a political issue by Trump.

 The mayor pro-temp is of the same mind as Coffman and the City Council has changed from leans (P)regressive to leans conservative. The new police chief seems to be a no nonsense type.

Wolves and more wolves


 Justice Delayed – Justice Denied

A YouTube Channel I watch regularly.


I find Kirk to be clear and concise with explanations lay persons can understand.


Growing in an agriculture environment, the weather and precipitation are always in the forefront of my mind. Last winter we had above average moisture. This year is a drought in northeast Colorado. This is bad news for dry land farmers and not good for wildlife.

 At a personal level it has been a boon for me doing my paper hanging work. No icy steps and sidewalks to contend with.

 The southern part of Colorado is having a good snow year. The mountains are seeing a lot of snow so the runoff that supplies our drinking water should be safe.

 The new Chimney Hollow reservoir should be completed enough to capture this spring’s runoff which is good news for us locally bet not for those downstream of the South Platte River in Nebraska.

 Remember, in Colorado, whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting. As one rural rancher stated, “It wasn’t until I was elected as a state senator that I learned, goddmandenverwaterboard, wasn’t one word”.

As always, YMMV

Sunday, December 22, 2024

(P)regressives Last Stand

 Bastards making hay while they can

With SloJo on his way out the econazis are trying to cement their “gains”. Witness the BLM trying to freeze the Red Desert in  Wyoming.


Another is the EPA trying to cement the California Air Resources Board’s power to enforce only EVs in the future.


There a likely hundreds of pet projects that will be threatened by a Trump Administration and the jackals are fighting to save their “progress”.

After January 20th, they will resort to a civil kind of guerilla warfare. Don’t we, as a country, have some experience combating this kind of war?

As always, YMMV

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Droning Along



No insightful comments here. This curmudgeon has never flown one; knows little about them, and will give way to those who do. It seems they subject has stirred up the citizens to my north.   


Loss of gun rights in Wyoming? The horror!

La Nina/El Nino

Which weather pattern we are in is questionable but this winter, so far, in our little patch on the northern end of the Colorado Front Range has been dry with moderate temperatures. Down towards Colorado Springs is a different pattern entirely. Banner isn’t complaining. So far, it has been light sweaters for him.


Boring, for the moment. Lots of extra assignments. Some of the work involved areas of Denver where I haven’t been for 40-50 years. Many changes but a bar, where I spent too much time in my twenties, is still the same, from the exterior.

Stuff I might blog about hasn’t been stirring my umbrage; Colorado politics is the same old b.s. as in the past few years.  That will likely change in the future.

Looking forward to January 20th; hope President Trump survives until then.

As always, YMMV

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

F**K Interesting Times



I listen to this guy. I think he knows what he is talking about. 


We need to get our people out now, stay out of it, and let Israel sort out the mess.

$40,000,000 for one pissant Congressional Seat


I live in this district and my mailbox was stuffed nearly every day with mail pieces. Very few had the candidate’s, “I approve of this message”. Since I don’t have a TV, I was spared that onslaught.

Where do these Super PACs get the money? Taxpayer money laundered through Ukraine? Wealthy people making “charitable donations” that somehow end up in political PACs? Foreign governments? Hedge fund managers?  Without violating the 1st Amendment, is there a way these Super PACs can be investigated?

 Sneering at Nannies – Tobacco

The unrelenting lawfare and public denouncing of tobacco has the usual result; bootlegging in its many forms. In the case of Wyoming add freedom fireworks. Want to be a damned fool and seriously injury yourself? Wyoming has your ticket to ride.


The Rats are Scurrying for Cover

Liz Cheney?


And the beat goes on.


Take that, Delaware

Easier, and cheaper, to incorporate in Wyoming. Same with an LLC.


Bounty Hunters

Recent discussions of having bounty hunter go after illegal immigrants prompted a memory.

 My late friend, Dirty Al Imhoff, was a part time bounty hunter when not selling cars. One night he wanted to have a few adult beverages and invited me to go along. We visited three different drinking establishments. At each place, after he surveyed the patrons, he insisted on leaving. Seems each place had patrons he had hauled in as a bounty hunter. Finally I suggested, sarcastically, we buy a six pack and sit in the parking lot.

Bounty hunting never had a personal appeal. Repossessing cars was sporting enough for me.

DrJim’s Man Cave (in progress)

 EV Financial Madness

This, from one of my favorite conservatives.


Nothing Serious, Made me Laugh


 Aspen Princess sees the light


 As always, YMMV