Math with a dash of sarcasm
A favorite columnist, Jon Caldara, discussing nuclear
Even the environazis are seeing the light.
Still, rice bowls need to be broken
So, WSF. More wolves? Yep.
Loveland, CO on Garfield Avenue just North of Highway 34
is a Tesla dealership. When I drove by Saturday afternoon, about 20 protesters
were on the sidewalk. With neither time nor interest I didn’t try to read their
signs or listen to their shouts.
Do you think Elon will be disturbed by this
Parking scofflaws and winter roads.
The furnace repairman arrives.
Husband: “Let me
show you the thermostat”.
Repairman: “I see it right down the hall”.
Husband: “That
is my wife’s thermostat. Let me show you the thermostat”.
Old joke. How well would that work with the new ‘smart’
Keep Colorado Blue
Emperor Polis is term limited. Paul Wiser, current
Attorney General and in Polis’ pocket has announced for Governor. Now, another
Polis sycophant has announced for Attorney General.
Like Obama, Polis wants that third term, and/or US Senate.
My hope? President Trump’s success in the next two years will turn Colorado
Red. More voters are unaffiliated than belong to either party. Add, the huge
mess our State government has become. If nothing else will make people use
their glass belly button wiper, then we are doomed.
More Blue. Qualified or not qualified?
Shouldn't that be the question rather than preferred pronouns?
Blue, Woke an Green – who is that working out?
A DOGE and rights win
An editorial about the scale of federal law enforcement.
Trimming this would save money and reduce threats to our rights, an lives.
Waco, amyone?MORE
There is a lot of pain as this plays out. People close to
me are being hurt. They are good people, working hard to do right. You can be
assured the entrenched bureaucrats will see the cuts start at the bottom before
moving up to their positions. Example? USFS cutting the boots on the ground
Will many of the wealthy exploit the turmoil to further
enrich themselves? Does a bear shit in the woods?
Will we emerge at the end of 47’s (assuming he isn’t
murdered) term a stronger and more prosperous nation? Yes! No pain, no gain?
Old Memory
Many years ago watching the Seafair Torchlight Parade
with my sons, I noticed a frail older gentleman in a wheel chair a few feet
away. How early he had to arrive to get a curbside space I can’t guess. As the
colors came up the street, I saw him struggling to stand up. Pissing of many
spectators I stepped onto the street, went to his chair, and helped him to his
feet. As he stood I steadied him, then we both saluted the colors as they
passed. I helped him back into his chair and went back to my sons. I don’t
think we said a word. I’d forgotten this until my middle son mentioned it the
other day.
I understand the parade has morphed into something I
wouldn’t watch today. Sad.
As always, YMMV
Once again, a reminder, no how well written, anonymous
comments won’t be published. The only censorship on this blog. Trolls OK, if
that is your thing. See the header picture.