Friday, November 29, 2024

Riding for the Brand


Hanging Paper

These past five years I’ve been an agent for a financial service company contacting people who are in arrears on their mortgage.

Recently a Denver area agent has been in the hospital and the company has asked other agents to cover.

My ‘turf’ is north of I-76. For the past week I’ve been covering areas to the south and west. It has kept me very busy. While I’m well compensated, I don’t need the money. Given that the assignments are for the same companies that I normally service, it is in my long term interest to keep them happy.

The Metro Denver area traffic is horrid and synchronized traffic lights an impossible dream.


As a retired used car salesman I find this both amusing and offensive.

Nice Try Land Grab 

What isn’t reported is these folks a part of “Fundamental Latter Day Saints”, i.e polygamists. Mix in Native Americans with a dash of Sovereign Citizens for a toxic brew.


Trust Fund Snots with too much spare change


Those pesky rural residents worried about their livestock, dogs, and cats are just unreasonable!

Slippery Slope 

Like many good ideas at one point in time, the potential for abuse in the future exists. 1st Amendment implications? As Civil Rights Attorney John H. Bryan concludes his YouTube posts, “My freedoms don’t end where your fears begin. Freedom is scary, deal with it”.



Essential Old Geezer Tool

As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Wide ranging today! And yes, trust fund snots have WAY too much money and no touch with reality!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I admire you bloggers who can develop a point. Not in my skill set.

drjim said...

HAH! "Greasy Gavin" FTW! He's at least as bad as the Mayor of Colorado Springs, who has now been recommended for prosecution!

Wolves are predators, and should be dealt with as such. End of story...

I do ~75% of my detail work using a magnifying lamp. Makes it much easier as I still adjust to me new fixed-focus lenses in my eyes.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Strange, a man like him getting elected in Colorado Springs. Wrong county to try that stunt and get caught.