Thursday, October 17, 2024

Why Worry. Have a Good Dog to Pet

 Driving (P)regressives Crazy

The largest obstacle keeping the left from complete Colofornia is TABOR, The Taxpayers Bill of Rights added to the state constitution in 1992 when the state was still red. All the money that must be returned to taxpayers would fund all sorts of Utopian schemes and add well paying jobs for nonproductive program administration. Said jobs to be filled with reliable Democrat DEI folks.


Brain Fog

After mention this as a comment on OldAFSarge’s blog, there were several responses. What I wrote was this.

Brain fog. Perhaps the most irritating part of aging. Now 80, I will be talking and the name/place/time/event will suddenly be blank. Minutes later it pops back into my head. I wish there were answers to the issue. Accepting physical limitations is far less frustrating.

No miracle answers here. What I do is take supplements, a lot of supplements that seem to help.

 Methysulfonylmethane (MSM) 2000 mg twice a day.Amino Acids Formula with 20 Aminos Plus 13mg B-6 2 capsules twice a day.

Mineral Complex 15 minerals 1000mg twice a day

B-1 complex 500mg thiamine 25mg benfotiamine one capsule twice a day

Lutein 40mg once a day

Ginkgo 500mg one capsule twice a day

Tumeric Curcumin (11 ingredients) one capsule twice a day

Potassium Citrate 99mg two capsuls in the morning and one at night



The list changes with some additions and subtractions. I do a lot of reading about health issues. My principal fear is cancer.

 I rarely get colds and haven’t had the flu, let alone Covid, in many years. I will never take any kind of flu or Covid shot.

Please keep in mind this is what I do, not necessarily what you should do.

Chicken Little

Doom and gloom from “scientists” drawing the conclusion their funders want them to find, IMO.


Scientific models designed to fin the “correct” solutions?


Left Field Thinking

When/where/how homo sapiens arrived in the Americas?

All across South and West Asia (Middle East) are ancient ruins dating back to 14,000 B.C. or even earlier. All seem to have one thing in common, depictions of alien beings. Very similar depictions can be found in Mayan structures, Inca ruins and Peruvian Nazca lines among others.

 Is it possible there were aliens and they transported homo sapiens around the world for whatever purpose they had in mind?

 Yes, I’m a settled science skeptic, a fringer.

We’e Educated Liberals, and we know what is best for you

One smart Congresswoman.


I Need This

As always, YMMV

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