Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Pepe Le Phew



Poor Banner got sprayed again. Lessons learned from the first time it happened mitigated the damage. A kind neighbor held his leash keeping him outside while I went to our apartment to prepare a solution to wash him down. Mixed water, H2O2, baking soda and Dawn dishwashing liquid in a bucket. He has a mouthful of spray and was spitting so I grabbed a quart of tomato juice and a bowl. Outside I soaked him in the solution, worked it into his fur, and poured tomato juice in a dish for him to drink. With a lot of juice left, I decided to pour that on him in addition to the solution. After a few minutes I untied him and let him roll on the lawn then washed him with water from a garden hose. All that worked to get rid of the smell.  He was not a happy camper!

This time he didn’t chase the skunk. Instead he was sniffing his way through some tall grass and encountered the skunk. To his credit he jumped away but not in time.


Where is the money coming from to fund these “protests”? Certainly not from the useful idiots out on the streets.


1st Amendment Win + Individual Liberty Win 

No, the alphabet Nazis can’t shove their beliefs down other’s throats. Same sex marriages? Freedom to say, “no”, when people hold religious beliefs that same sex marriage is wrong. Back to live and let live? Let us hope. Big payday the taxpayers will need to cover.


The Title got me

What I didn’t know was it is printed in China and shipped from China. Had I know that, I likely would have passed. Now that I’ve received it, I find it comprehensive and will start to fill the pages.

 I have a will and some estate planning. All is scattered in various files in a filing cabinet. This book wil let me draw a clear map to all my stuff.

Just for Fun

Splendid idea

On a personal note, Sisty is home from an extended hospital stay for edema.

As always, YMMV

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