Sunday, October 20, 2024

Who Owns USA Elections?


Who is trying to buy Congress?

Thousands of donors making small contributions to election campaigns is the narrative. I call bullshit. Two small examples are the 8th (where I live) and the 3rd Congressional Districts in Colorado.

Between the two candidates, $15,000,000 has been contributed and/or spent. Much of the money is from PACs that are not necessarily controlled by the candidate.

 In the 3rd, the Aspen trust fund Democrat has raised $14,000,000 to the Republican’s $1,200,000. This is the seat Lauren Boebert left. She moved to the 4th which loyal opposition Ken Buck deserted after five terms.

Doing the math, some $30,000,000 has been raised/spent on two pissant Congressional seats. Are all the big donors altruistic, or do they expect a big return on their “investment”?

 Likely this kind of spending is rampant all across the country. Some estimates put dark money contributions at one billion. So where is this dark money coming from? How can sunshine, a wonderful disinfectant, be shined on future dark money honey pots?

Car Biz Humor in the Past


Back when the car biz was fun





Circa1986, Cal had a Yugo franchise in the Seattle area. He would lease you a Yugo for $84 a month. I never understood (or cared to find out) how that lease worked but the lease had 100% payoff until the whole lease was paid. Zero equity until the last payment.

People would drive onto our lot in a  Yugo with a 1,000 yard stare. The seasoned salespeople would scatter and the green pea would get the “up”. The only way those Yugo drivers could trade out was with a huge amount of cash, enough to pay the entire initial lease amount.

 Once I took a paid off Yugo in trade. The customer insisted I go to their residence and drive the Yugo back to our lot. That was the one and only time I drove one. Nothing remarkable happened; just another car.

Saved the Harley

Wyoming has a population of only 500,000+ but takes no backseat to other states for psychos.


Military Loot
It seems from numerous YouTube videos Israel had captured large amounts of ordnance from Hamas and Hezbollah. While much seems to be destroyed where found, my curiosity is how much they will keep and how useful it will be? 

 Will we see in a few years tons of AKs for sale cheap?

As always, YMMV


Old NFO said...

Gah... Cal Worthington...and Spot! He 'sponsored' the middle of the night B and C movies... sigh

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I never worked one of his lots and only met him once, briefly, at a car show.

Ami said...

Had a friend ripped off by Cal Worthington. What an asshole.
I also had a friend who drove a Yugo. It was a crappy car.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Cal and ethics were strangers. One of many reasons I never even applied at one of his dealerships. Yes, Yugos were among the worse excuse of an automobile ever sold in the US.