Friday, November 10, 2023

Good Dog


He has been with me now for four years. Every year he gets a vet checkup, shots, and a year supply of heart worm protection. Still in good health, he gained three pounds from last year (80 to 83) and now has a lot of gray hair. Despite his best efforts, I’m still not fully trained but he hasn’t given up. There are at least eight people in our building who give him treats including one who comes to our door. The best thing about him is the smiles and laughter he generates as we make our rounds. I won the dog lottery with him.

Because of him, I get “positive affirmations”. The Abuela neighbor across the hall, “Banner, I feel so sorry for you! You have to live with that grumpy old man”.

Others. “Oh, it is Banner! And frank.”

Bear Story

A story of drunken grizzly bears getting run over by trains in Montana brought to mind a past incident.

 Circa 1972 driving North on Idaho Hwy 93 North of Salmon, ID (a narrow, steep, and winding two  lane road) coming around a corner I saw a pickup truck with a bed mounted camper  wedged against the bank on the passenger side. The driver had his window down and was vigorously waving. Seems he had run over a black bear that was now wedged under his truck directly under the driver side door and pawing the air every time he tried to open the door.

While assessing the situation, he asked me to retrieve a rifle from his camper and shoot the bear.

Noticing a handyman (high lift) jack mounted on the front bumper I used that to lift the truck off the bear. The second the bear was free it bolted across the road and down a steep bank.

Cancer News (Hopeful)

A deeply personal subject. While cancer free, some 60% of extended family member, both paternal and maternal, have died from cancer or currently suffering. This report is good news.


Despite billions spend worldwide every year searching for answers, the question always is, why not a cure? Is the “cancer industry” too lucrative that cures would break too many rice bowls?

Up yours, Emperor Polis (and not by your husband)

Proposition HH, a convoluted (P)regressive attempt to circumvent TABOR under the smoke screen of ‘property tax relief’ was soundly rejected by Colorado voters by a margin of >20%. This was  a way for the state to gain control over setting taxes. As it now stands, this is the way property taxes are determined.

Each year county commissioners, city councils, school boards, governing boards of special districts, and other taxing authorities determine the revenue needed and allowed under the law to provide services for the following year.

Each taxing authority calculates a tax rate based on the revenue needed from property tax and the total assessed value of real and personal property located within their boundaries. The tax rate is often expressed as a mill levy.

Back when Colorado was a ‘Red State’ the Taxpayers Bill or Rights (TABOR) was added to the state constitution. It limits how taxes can be raised and requires the state to refund excess taxes collected and mandates a balanced budget.

This alone has prevented the complete Californication of Colorado and drives the (P)regressives into fits of rage.

The fallout of the failure has even unhinged hardcore MAGA hating (P)regressives.


Emperor Polis has called a special session of the state legislation November 17th to try and undo the election. Right now, the Dims have control of both the House and Senate. Based on the trends in this off year election, the vote is slanted to the right and the next election may end the (P)regessive stranglehold.

The only real tactic the RINOs have is in the Senate. If enough Senators don’t show up, no quorum is possible. Even so, some RINOs are in favor of a Special Session. They seem to think they can score political points. Typical RINO circular firing squad thinking.

Since Emperor Polis is term limited, he has his eye on the Presidency. Failing that, the Senate, IMO.

 Blog Comments

Some comments have viewpoints that have little to do with what I post. So long as they put a name to their comment I let it go. Free speech, and all that. What is clearly stated on the header is anonymous comments will be deleted. Want to use this blog to spread your message? Fine, so long as you put your name/handle on it.

Facebook Humor

The History of the Middle Finger:

Well,'s something I never knew before, and now that I know it, I feel compelled to send it on to my more intelligent friends in the hope that they, too, will feel edified.

Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers. Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. This famous English longbow was made of the native English Yew tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as 'plucking the yew' (or 'pluck yew').

Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and they began mocking the French by waving their middle fingers at the defeated French, saying, See, we can still pluck yew! Since 'pluck yew' is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodentalfricative 'F', and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute! It is also because of the pheasant feathers on the arrows used with the longbow that the symbolic gesture is known as 'giving the bird.'

And yew thought yew knew every plucking thing. Didn't yew!

Passive Aggression

Local story. A man pissed at traffic past his house took action. Nails and screws on the roadway and driveways.


Our county has fallen in love with traffic circles. Nearby a botched traffic circle project has kept two roads closed. The contractor was fired and the half finished traffic circle is keeping the roads closed. While I have some sympathy for the individual, he seems a taco short of a combination plate.

As always, YMMV





drjim said...

I vouch for Banner. He is a Good Dog. You both won the doggie lottery, as did we with Pebbles. If you're a Dog Person, you appreciate all the things they bring us, while not asking for much in return.

No experience with bears, except from a respectful distance. The family Patriarch carries a 12 ga with 1oz slugs in it for when they have to go work in Bear Country.

Polis is a clown, similar to Hickenlooper. I didn't have much experience with Trust-Fund Snots until we moved here, and all the locals (WSF included) clued me in pretty quickly.

I guess it's a good thing that Mr. Winters didn't make up some caltrops and scatter them around.

I absolutely loathe traffic circles. Simple in concept, but generally poorly executed.

RHT447 said...

Cancer. Video #6.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

LEO friend and relatives tell me the number of intersection accidents are about the same but occur at slower speeds.

Sisty and I noticed Pebbles kept a position where he could observe most of the guests in case an intervention was needed.

That video stirs up a homicidal rage in me. Orthodoxy kills!

Wild, wild west said...

Texas spent the 40's and 50's putting traffic circles everywhere and then spent the 60's and 70's tearing them out. Now only a very few remain on state highways.

I enjoy the stories about Banner, muchly appreciated.

Ritchie said...

There is a project called World Community Grid that does cancer research using distributed computing, where it sends out work to volunteers' computers and collect the results. It runs in the background, and has never caused me a problem. I've been running it since 2006 on numerous Windows boxes but there are other platforms available. I have something like 51 years computing time logged due to multiple computers, hyperthreading, and multiple core CPUs. I commend it to your attention and hope you will join.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Glad you like Banner stories. He has been a blessing for me. I've said in past blogs I live in a 92 unit 62+ building. The joy that dog brings to others in the building is heartwarming.

Thank you for the information. I will pass it along to those who are smart enough to use it.

Old NFO said...

Great to see Banner...and you too, Frank. :-) Yes, TABOR is continuing to 'save' y'all, and the progs are getting desperate out there now.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Some of the school boards election, including Denver, have seen the worst of the (P)regressives kicked to the curb. Denver's pimple, Aurora, has elected Mike Coffman mayor and conservative city council members. The state is still blue but there is hope.

Banner. I've learned to leave ten minutes early so he has time to great his fan club.

LSP said...

Good dog. Unlike, say, Emperor Polis. Will he make Senate? Not that there's a helluva lot of quality control.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

He is very skilled at getting others to fund him along with his own personal wealth. The epitome of a Boulder, CO native. (He did spend much of his youth in Cali)