Cheerful Story, for a Change
Someone may own a dog.A sliver of sunshine?
The City of Greeley is purple (Teachers College, aka UNC) and the county seat of Weld County which went 73% for Trump. From the internet.
Colorado has the eighth- largest natural gas reserves in the United States. Colorado has the eighth-largest natural gas reserves of any state, accounting for almost 4% of the U.S. total. It is also the eighth-largest natural gas-producing state in the nation.
Weld County, north of Denver, was the leading county for natural gas production, accounting for nearly half of the state's natural gas production in 2019.
Will the City Council step up? Footnote. 17,000 wells exist in Weld County. Goggle Earth 40°22’49.76” 104°20’22.57”
Not Good? Electricity
Now we have another green boondoggle in the works, a huge solar energy project.
The local residents oppose the project for two main reasons. Who gets the output? That question isn’t being answered. Suspicious minds are saying Boulder County. Second reason is the physical location. See the above coordinates for sites already chopped up. Not disturbing unspoiled land plus good access roads are already in place makes more sense and there are very few homes in that area.
My beard is tough and my skin thin. Blood thinner medication doesn’t help. I’ve been using this for a few weeks and it is the best product, for me, that I have ever used. I buy it locally. Amazon shows it but not in stock.
“Settled Science” debunked
This is, IMO, the way science should work.
Oh no! Is the Gravy Train running dry?
Once again, Boulder.Science benefiting Bill Gates?
Who has been buying up farmland? The ‘elites’ and China.
What this report doesn’t mention is the aquifers are being depleted. Prediction: When the water is gone the ‘investors’ will move on and leave a desert behind them.
Dining out? There is this little tidbit.
Nothing is immune. Our little group supports the VFW Sunday breakfast whose profits benefit disabled veterans. During the Xiden disaster, the price has gone up $2.
Recently my buddy Santa Claus and I had breakfast at a cafe serving the stockyards. They serve a huge breakfast but I dropped $40 with a tip.
Shucks, Just a Land Mine
The land was a ranch owned by Frank and Pauline Byers. They were given a month to vacate, in August. They waited ten years to be paid for their land.
Another day, another disaster
I wish. With our current crop of office holders, both state and federal, it is another day, many disasters.
As always, YMMV
Thanks for the update, WSF!
Good news on the cat, and of course you won't see ANY of that power, peon. Hush up and cower in your cheep rooms and be happy with what you have... Grrr...
LL The muse ebbs and flows. More ebb than flow.
I picked up that story from the folks at Weld County, WY.
As Maggie Thatcher once said, the problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of someone else's money.
WWW's corollary to that is the socialists are never concerned with those pesky little details. It's like tent revivalists saying, just step out in faith, brother!
Nothing to see here, kulak, just move along.
Just keep printing money.
Right on, WSF.
Those green malfeasants...
The can rob their fellow citizens and feel virtuousness at the sme time.
Guess which state has huge natural gas and oil reserves just off its coast but continues to fight any attempt to harvest such huge reserves?
Growing up, the tarballs that washed ashore were said to be from sunken ships, but research showed they were from natural leaks in the ocean floor.
Florida could be petro-dollar rich bigly if they'd just start pumping. It's not like we don't know how to drill and pump oil in bad weather conditions.
Your next door neighbor seems to have a handle on offshore drilling. Tree huggers be damned, the NIMBY crowd will always oppose anything that might disturb their personal existance.
1970's, Colorado Western Slope, my Dad defined an environmentalist as, "The guy who bought his five acres last year".
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