Five hundred twenty four 2023 Graduates of the Boiling
Springs, S.C. High School. The curse of alphabetic order when your last name is
Crystal gets her diploma
Returning to her seat.
Beautiful young woman
Victory LunchBaby brother, graduate, and adopted mother.The Boyfriend
Granddaughter will attend Emery-Riddle in Florida to become an Aerospace Engineer. An Honor Student since 1st grade, she has earned a six figure scholarship and a five figure grant. This will allow her to get her degree without incurring crippling debt or needing to go the ROTC route.
With her in Florida and him in Washington state, I see a lot of frequent flyer miles.
My principal motivation for driving 1,600 miles to be there was twofold. First, her Dad and my son died four years ago. I wanted to be there in his place, as much as possible. Second, to let her know in person how proud all of us in the family are of her and in awe of her accomplishments.
She was so pleased to hear commentators on this blog saying BZ. She offered a sincere thank you.
The trip
To be covered in a future blog.
So glad you could be there. I know your son would be so very proud of her.
Wonderful about the scholarships! I hear how 'this generation' doesn't work hard or know the value of anything... and it's proven wrong every single day. She's the future and it looks bright!
What a fine young American woman! Gives me hope for the future.....
Ami, DrJim
She is an example of what our youth should be. Both she and her boyfriend are from blue collar families. Her boyfriend's father works on the BMW assembly line in Spartanburg. Both are as far away from "entitled" kids as you can get.
I'm so glad she isn't with some loser.
Outstanding! And yes, Bravo Zulu!
Thank you.
Very attractive lady, and smart too. The PO3 better not mess this up, he's unlikely to do better.
I'm pleased he has something on the ball. Of course, I told him about our private family cemetery in Northwest Colorado and the backhoe nearby.
The surprising thing to me is my granddaughter is, while very confident, is still humble. He seems to be the same way.
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