A used car dealer lives nearby and often has interesting vehicles parked at his home.
The Econazis that have Californicated Colorado make Front Range residents vehicles pass an emission test before plates can be renewed.
My son’s car needed a catalytic converter replaced. The Colorado compliant fix is over $1,800. His car now has a new, non Colorado compliant catalytic converter installed by a Wyoming muffler shop.
Cost? 1/3 and a vacation day.
The Cheyenne muffler shop manager told me he does at least a dozen Colorado cars a month.
The check stations rarely open the hood and never crawl under a vehicle that I’ve ever seen.
Climate Anxiety
Surprising to see this coming out of the University of the People’s Republic of Boulder, aka University of Colorado and the Denver Pravda, aka the Denver Post.
Always something to alarm the younger generation, isn’t it? In my day it was nuclear war. Around age eight I worried that every contrail I saw was a Soviet bomber on the way to nuke Denver.
Business Vision, Not!
While talking about this to my former boss in the car biz, he said in his young days he couldn’t understand why anyone would pay for water when it was free everywhere. Then he stood up, went to a storage closet and showed me several cases of bottled water.
The picture was taken Mother’s Day morning.
Off on the road for eight days. See you when I get back.
About that water thing. I remember The Great Littleton Shingle Fire, in which a huge pile of discard cedar shingles somehow took fire and burned for days. The FD poured water on it for days. As a completely foreseeable result, the runoff from this ran off into the Platte River, upstream from the municipal water plant intake. For some time, the water had an unmistakable piney tang.
Travel safe. And the 'water' we drank as kids was a lot 'safer' than the water out of the tap today.
Safe travels, enjoy the trip, and (again!) kudos to the young lady you're going to see.
Drive safe Buddy.
Travel safe.
Thanks all. Back safe, Banner is home. AAR will follow in the next few days.
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