Foolishness seems to be the dominate theme of the USA now. Those of us who see this and try to warn, even fight, this foolishness are losing the battle.
Perhaps we need to act like parents with unruly children and just step back and let them pee on the electric fence.
Fools indeed, or until they're dead. You got my vote, although I would suggest that when then scream and holler about "evil white privilege" that invented (the use of) electricity, say "Okay" and turn theirs off.
One of my closest friends (VN Veteran suffering from Clinical Depression) frequently tells me "the country is lost", and I have refused to accept that.
Until recently.
Be prepared.
I agree with your friend. It grieves me.
Just make sure they're properly grounded, and crank that fence charger up!
How many amps?
Wide Open.....
Yep, let them... And concur with GB... dammit
They eat yellow snow...and call it something else.
Many of us are either cynical or realists, take your pick.
Climate Change Warriors snow cones.
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