Friday, April 14, 2023

Clickbait Title Needed


Lassie II

Banner to the rescue!

Returning to our apartment Banner didn’t immediately come in and I didn’t notice he was still in the hall scavenging for hidden treats. About twenty minutes later there was a knock on my door. My wheelchair bound neighbor Tom was there with Banner.

As Tom related, when he came out of  the elevator Banner was at my door. He trotted down to Tom, then back to my door. This kept happening and Tom was concerned I might have had a heart attack. No, I had my head__________.

Banner rarely barks but will whine. He was sitting quietly outside my door. Tom was impressed that Banner was, in his gentle way, determined to get Tom’s attention and help.

 I won the dog lottery when I adopted him three years ago.


It may be an age issue but the three a.m. bladder void is usually followed by an hour of remembering every mistake and mishap in my life. Recently this memory surfaced, but put a smile on my face.

 Circa 1970 the new wife and I bought our first house, a 750 sq ft cracker box in Aurora, CO. One neighbor was from Mexico and had a restaurant. A very nice neighbor. The other was a barber who brought back a German bride from his time in the Air Force. They were not nice.

 Her: “I learn English in school. Why the fuck you ask”.

 They had two teen age sons who threw rocks at our dog and once stole my p.o.s commuter car. The father and sons were carefully rebuilding a car and had rebuilt the engine. Once they had it running I slipped some engine enhancer into the oil so they could continue to enjoy rebuilding the engine.

 Captain Obvious

Some people don’t trust our benevolent civil servants and ivory tower inhabitants?  Who knew?


Considering the source of the study they are likely trying to find better ways to control us ignorant conservatives.

Senator Rhonda Fields (D) Colorado Senate and Firearms Legislation

This is a remarkable woman who has done much to help disadvantaged people. I somewhat admire her.


She also is a (P)regressive with a reality blind spot on some issues, particularly firearms. That tempers my personal feelings about her; not that that matters at all in the larger scheme. She is the major force behind the entire cocked up gun laws currently working their way through the State legislative clown show.  None, IMO, will withstand court challenges.

All the time and effort anti-gunners put into passing “feel good” gun control laws are wasted effort, IMO. People are the problem.

Why some people act the way they do is complicated, and always has been. Cain and Abel, anyone? Much of the current malaise  is the result of “improper fetchings”.

My solution? Anyone using a firearm in the commission of a crime does five years, no parole, in state prison. A minimum $100,000 cash bond until trial. Second conviction, twenty years and third conviction, life. No lesser plea allowed.

Oh, WSF, prisons cost a lot of money. Yes, and worth the money spent. Use the money currently being pissed away on “climate control” to fund them. Further, fund prisons enough so correctional officers are properly compensated and their equipment is up to the task. More prisoners have died riding in unsafe state vehicles than have been legally executed in Colorado.

Criminals will continue to be criminals but won’t be harming innocent people if they are in prison. Harming other prisoners, yes, but that is a separate issue that has been handled with some success when the will to do so exists.

Likely to not vote Democrat

Did Emperor Polis just step on his wee wee?


Should he get credit for bi-partisan outrage?

Accountants and Revenuers

My neighbor Tom was a successful entrepreneur until a bad heart and diabetes cost him a leg and forced retirement. I admire his positive attitude. Recently we were discussing taxes and tax collectors. I have an ongoing dispute with Colorado dating back to 2016 and them wanting to tax income I earned out of state. Tom talked about getting hit with capital gains after selling one of his companies. Then the related subject of accountants came up.

Tom: “Accountants! They step out of the shower to piss”.

Seems he is not a fan.

American Patriot   

A1c Jack Teixeira was arrested for allegedly leaking classified war plans regarding Ukraine. If he did, I applaud him for being a patriot.

Like many who have served I regarded classified information as sacred, that lives of my fellow soldiers were at stake, and I would never violate that trust. At the same time, I trusted my superiors.

Had my superiors violated laws, over and over, and were making plans that were wrong, reckless, illegal, and endangering my fellow soldiers, I might have done the same.

The military depends on loyalty up, loyalty down.

Gen. Mark A Milley has set the current standard. He has publicly boasted he told Red China he would warn them if President Trump ordered an attack. Why is he surprised that a patriot Airman decided to warn his fellow citizens?

As always, YMMV






W Wilson said...

Good ol lapping compound. There isn't a filter good enough to get that out of the oil.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

W Wilson
It does leave all the moving parts shiny.

Old NFO said...

Yep, you won the lottery with Banner! And lapping compound... LOL

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Banner has enhanced my life.
People throwing rocks at my dogs are opening a can of trouble.

Greybeard said...

Throwing rocks at a helpless animal-
And stealing a reliable old car, apparently.
Good for you.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Didn't put in the blog. We bought a bigger house about a mile away. Out for dinner one night, he and his lovely wife came over to our car as we were leaving running their mouths. Didn't end well for him. There were reasons why I never received a Good Conduct Medal while in the Army.

My slender 5'4" wife was willing to take on the Frau but it didn't go that far.

Ah, a white trash Friday night moment.

drjim said...

That tells me Banner considers Tom a trusted friend and/or extended family. You and Banner BOTH won the dog lottery. Since I've been home, it's too much hassle for me to let the dog out when I'm all settled in bed. It doesn't stop her from coming to me at 0-dark-thirty, so I get up, hobble down the hall, and wake up SWL.

So how did their rebuild run with "enhanced" oil? Did the rings ever seat, or did the bearings let go first? Cam and lifters probably went flat pretty quickly, too.

COVID....most of the medical people at the hospital and the rehab facility I went to seemed to be of the opinion that the whole things was a scam. At least they do now that's it's usefulness has passed, and they can talk about how they personally felt about it.

"Improper Fetchings"....whoo, boy, does that bring back memories! I agree with your prison reform ideas. It'll never happen 'cause there's no money in it for the Grievance People to grift.

I saw a hand printed sign on on a stop sign some weeks ago. It said "Hang The Traitor Biden". It's still there.

Huh.....Polis. What a joke.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Banner likes several people in the building but goes running up to Tom. He probably knows Tom hides treats in the hall for him to find.

Once fine grinding powder is in an engine, the only solution is a complete tear down and extended soaking and steam cleaning of every part. Of course, you must know that is the problem. Otherwise all you get with each rebuild is a few more miles.

Out in the patch around Briggsdale are many signs more explicit than f**k FJB. Likewise Eastern Colorado Western Nebraska farm country.

Polis is a turd with no clean end.

Pebbles has her favorite and you are elected.

Wild, wild west said...

Somewhere there's a wall with Milly's name on it, waiting for him to be stood up in front of. He is very much like the accountants your buddy described, and I would very much like to volunteer for that detail if the opportunity should present for him and all them sumbitches he calls friends. Or whatever it is they call themselves in private.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Milley is the apex REMF.
I've never looked down on rear echelon folks. Serve well and honorable what ever your assignment. It is the con artists that piss me off.
My shooting eye is toast but if I had the opportunity to be on that firing squad I would learn to shhot left handed.

Wild, wild west said...

Milly is what John F. Kerry would have turned into, had he stayed in and not married into money, twice. I'll leave it to others to judge if that would have been an improvement, or not.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

1990's I worked with Frank Schmidt who was an engineman (snipe?) on a riverboat in the same unit as Kerry. The only thing he had to say about Kerry was he wasn't worse than any of the other officers; that he did go on missions and did get shot at. When asked if he voted for him, he responded, "Hell NO!"