Sunday, March 26, 2023

Latter Day Luddite Makes Slow Progress


Simple isn’t it, to use hyperlinks? Not for me but after several years of torturing the few readers that venture this way, I was determined to learn how to do it.

Banner Report

All is well now with the cut in his left rear foot pad. No complications and he never was in pain. A gentle soul, he never fought me as I treated him but passively resisted. Trust me when I say a strong 80 lb Lab passively resisting is a challenge.

Montgomery, Al

Hyundai has a factory there and Kia nearby in West Point, GA. Several retirees, including me, worked for Roush Industries driving pre-production and prototype cars and trucks out of Henderson, CO. Hyundai was one of the manufacturers and often wanted vehicles returned to Montgomery and others picked up. While Roush employed many different people to drive the local routes, the manager was very selective about who drove the long routes (Naples, FL, Montgomery, AL, Las Vegas, Bemidji, MN, and Lavonia, MI). Those assignments usually went to older drivers with proven reliability. (The trips also paid a lot more)

One trip three of us stayed in Montgomery while Hyundai got their shit together and two decided to ride the city bus downtown to see the Hank Williams Museum.

How things change! The home of the Rosa Park bus protest and the home of Martin Luther King saw two senior caucasian retired farmers in bib overalls riding a bus driven by a black driver with mainly black passengers. Telling, to me, nobody seemed to find the situation unusual.

Montgomery is the home of the Southern Preposterous Lie Center. Their headquarters reinforces the lie; doesn’t look poor to me. In conversations with local residents, most expressed contempt toward the SPLC, often heatedly.

Bass Pro Shop

Another time in Montgomery, while we waited for Hyundai, three of us decided to visit the Bass Pro Shop in one of the cars we were to bring back. One man’s cell phone rang, it was his wife, and the overheard conversation went something like this.

“Honey, we are waiting for cars to take back so we are going to the Bass Pro Shop”.

“You are going to a Bass Pro Shop with our credit card?”

“We drove past three Jiggle Joints on our way”.

“You would do a lot less damage to our credit card in a Jiggle Joint than Bass Pro Shop”. 

For what it is worth, he didn’t buy anything.


Several vehicles tested by Roush were never for sale in the USA. Skoda, for instance. Once I asked the manager about this and he explained all these cars needed to be tested at high altitudes for sales around the world.

“We’ve never had any drivers or vehicles kidnapped and held for ransom’, he explained.

Not Too Smart

The son of a woman killed in a mass shooting in Boulder is suing the firearm manufacturer.


In Colorado civil actions, the losers pay the winner’s legal fees.


Nathaniel Getz will  be getting massive social kudos in the People’s Republic of Boulder. Watch everyone scatter when the bill comes due.

Speaking to the truth has consequences.

People v. Jenna Lynn Ellis

In November and December 2020, while serving as a senior legal advisor to the then-President of the U.S. and as counsel for his reelection campaign, Jenna Ellis made multiple misrepresentations on national television and on Twitter regarding the 2020 presidential election.

According to the disciplinary opinion, among the misrepresentation were: 

·         On Nov. 13, 2020, Ellis claimed that “Hillary Clinton still has not conceded the 2016 election.”

·         On Nov. 20, 2020, Ellis appeared on “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business and stated: “We have affidavits from witnesses, we have voter intimidation, we have the ballots that were manipulated, we have all kinds of statistics that show that this was a coordinated effort in all of these states to transfer votes either from Trump to Biden, to manipulate the ballots, to count them in secret . . .”

·         On Nov. 20, 2020, Ellis appeared on “Spicer & Co.” and stated, “with all those states [Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia] combined we know that the election was stolen from President Trump and we can prove that.”

·         On Nov. 21, 2020, Ellis stated on Twitter under her handle @JennaEllisEsq., “ . . . SECOND, we will present testimonial and other evidence IN COURT to show how this election was STOLEN!”

·         On Nov. 23, 2020, Ellis appeared on an MSNBC show and stated, “The election was stolen and Trump won by a landslide.”

·         On Nov. 30, 2020, Ellis appeared on “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business and stated, “President Trump is right that there was widespread fraud in this election, we have at least six states that were corrupted, if not more, through their voting systems. . . We know that President Trump won in a landslide.” She also stated, “The outcome of this election is actually fraudulent it’s wrong, and we understand than when we subtract all the illegal ballots, you can see that President Trump actually won in a landslide.”

·         On Dec. 3, 2020, Ellis appeared on “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business and stated, “The outcome of this election is actually fraudulent it’s wrong, and we understand than when we subtract all the illegal ballots, you can see that President Trump actually won in a landslide.”

·         On Dec. 5, 2020, Ellis appeared on “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on Fox News and stated, “We have over 500,000 votes [in Arizona] that were cast illegally . . .”

·         On Dec. 15, 2020, Ellis appeared on “Greg Kelly Reports” on Newsmax and stated, “The proper and true victor, which is Donald Trump . . .”

·         On Dec. 22, 2020, Ellis stated on Twitter, through her handle @JennaEllisEsq, “I spent an hour with @DanCaplis for an in-depth discussion about President @realDonaldTrump’s fight for election integrity, the overwhelming evidence proving this was stolen, and why fact-finding and truth—not politics—matters!”

The Presiding Disciplinary Judge approved Ellis’ stipulation to discipline and publicly censured Ellis, effective March 8.

Disclaimer. Since I’m not an attorney I don’t quite understand why the discipline and how it will affect her working as an attorney.

Chicken Wings

A favorite weekly cartoon. Being a Later Day Luddite, I can relate to Chuck.

Nanny State


What further pisses me off is one sponsor represents my district. He is a RINO that came clean and became a Democrat. Due to a quirk in the census creating a new district he escaped running for office.

Emperor Polis’ latest “Green” idiocy

A long article about ozone levels and his plans to reduce levels. All will further cripple the petroleum industry.

I am convinced he will run for President.


Peoples Republic of Boulder bit in the ass


Samsung A14 5G

While out in the boondocks harassing debtors, the back of my Motorola cell phone disintegrated despite being in a hard case. Back in town the salesman at Xfinity sold me a new phone. This Latter Day Luddite has no present need for 5G (hell, I don’t even know what that means). What I can do is make cost/value determinations and the cost to replace my phone with another led me to this choice. Shit, new instructions to read! Maybe some of Banner’s senior groupies may be impressed!

As a bonus I can now toss out the instructions, which I never bothered to read, for the old phone.

Will I now read this book I bought?

Captain Obvious

Wonder how many tax dollars was pissed away on this?


Springtime in Colorado

March 20th? During the night of March 24th we were hit with a nasty, but short term, blizzard.


Ahead of me entering the supermarket was a middle aged woman with one of the hardest facial expressions you will ever see. What struck me was the front of her hair was streaked with Columbine blue. From the rear? Don’t think those tights match her hair.

What do I know? My fashion sense is making sure my zipper is closed

The end

I will leave you with this. As always, YMMV. 


Ami said...

I live in fear that my 2016 smart phone will eventually need to be replaced. Dammit.
I am apparently 'really old fashioned' because I still listen to CDs in my car. LOL

Regarding your doglet... on my route to work there is a business plaza. One of the anchors is Banner Bank. Have you asked him for money? You may end up surprised!

Wild, wild west said...

I listen to CD's, the company car has a built-in nav system that's been worthless and still use a Rand-McNalley road atlas. LOL that.

Went with Mrs. to one of her business conventions some years back. One of the speakers was Jim Brady, if you can call what he did speaking. They wheeled him out on stage and turned him loose to read out of a three-ring binder. It was certainly not a speech in conventional terms. It was my opinion afterwards that the man just wasn't all there, and I thought it disgusting he was being used like that by his wife and the Brady organization. I'd like to think I was wrong but doubt it. So, here's the money shot: if they'd do that to their namesake, consider what they might do to anybody else.

Good news about Banner. Who's a good boy?

Old NFO said...

LOL, you're on a roll! Glad Banner is doing better too!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I find the new phone to be a PITA. As an example, it automatically went to "Do Not Disturb" at 10 pm to 7 am. I think I finally got that disabled.

Since my 2002 Taurus has a CD player I need to dig out some CDs in storage. All the pro and anti gun groups seem to be all about fund raising. Speaking of brain damaged people used by others, how about FJB?

I may be on a roll but it not the roll that would be my first choice!

LSP said...

I'm not an attorney either but what did Jenna do wrong?

Haven't been to a Bass pro in ages, the wallet is grateful.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

As far as I can tell, publicly spoke about obvious election discrepancies along with being in Trump's inner circle.