Thursday, December 31, 2015


Colorado uses a caucus system to select delegate to district caucuses and beyond.  A friend just reminded me I’ve got to register my party choice by January 4 in order to participate.

What  party? I’m a Blue Dog Democrat. Go with the smug Country Club and/or Evangelical Republicans or the smug, holier than thou (P)regressive Democrats preaching from their assumed moral high ground? I do believe I will sit this one out. I live in one of the strongest republican counties this state has so, other than being an agitator, there isn’t much call for my participation.

Growing up in a very grass roots level politically active extended family, local politics was part of our lives. As an adult I stayed active. Circa 1980, Seattle area, I was a Republican Precinct Committeeman and a John B. Anderson supporter. This so infuriated the Reagan supporters they mounted a successful campaign to vote in one of theirs against me.  Really, at the precinct level?  My fault, of course. At the district caucus a large number of Anderson supporters, mostly new faces, were booed and derided. I stood on a chair and said, words to the affect, “Hey you dumb shits. You are guaranteeing we will be a minority party forever”.

After my crushing defeat (lost by seven or eight votes), went to the party headquarters and turned in all my stuff. Then stopped at the Democrat headquarters, picked up all the stuff, and became the Democrat Precinct Committeeman. Went  from lukewarm Chicken ala King at a Holiday Inn meeting room to drinking in a Harbor Island longshoreman bar.  Excellent parties with very friendly women. Oh, the agony!

While no longer living in the Colorado 4th Congressional District, I still contribute to Mike Coffman’s (R) campaigns. He is one of the few Congressmen fighting the Veterans Administration (and winning a few battles). He is passing up a good chance to become a US Senator to keep the fight going. Other than him, there isn’t any candidate, at any level, that gives me even the slightest “tingle”.

At the national level, want the loathsome Lightbringer gone and anyone but Shillary. Otherwise, in the words of the song, my give a damn is busted.

Yep, do believe I will just sit this one out. Vote, of course, but no caucuses. 


Old NFO said...

Probably better overall for the BP anyway... :-)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Indeed. The last few times I've fought the urge to bitch slap idiots.

Ami said...

I'm at the point where I have no fucks left to give. In fact, have given so many that I am now in negative fucks.

In my state, five minutes after the polls close, the results of the national election have been announced. Do not try to tell me my vote counts.

Bunch of stupid, corrupt pieces of shit running anyway. They can all burn in hell.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Negative fucks? Made me laugh.

Coffeypot said...

If your are truly a Blue Dog Democrat, I thank you very much for sitting this one out. But if you still believe in this country and at least trying to regain Her power and glory back from the Socialist, I beg you to head to the voting precinct. We don't have caucuses here, but if they did I would be in there with both feet. As it is, I do what I can for the GOP... bad as they are, there is still hope.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I live in the same apartment complex as the Democrat Prescient Committeewoman. The caucus will be packed with Shillary supporters. Last two presidential elections voted a GOP ticket except for some county offices. Damned if I will ally myself with the Karl Rowes and Grover Norquists of the country. They are all part of the beltway cabal that is fucking the rest of us.

CenTexTim said...

There's always Trump or Cruz. They're definitely not part of the beltway cabal.

Of course, we'll still get fucked...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Better choices. Not original; the lesser of two evils is still evil.