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Saturday, December 12, 2015
Assimilate? Not Bloody Likely
Today in line at Wally World was again reminded many immigrants have no interest in assimilating and, have no respect for our mores and social practices.
I was 2nd in line in the ten item or less line. Suddenly I was being shoved forward. This Somalia woman behind me was using her ass to push me forward so she could unload a full shopping cart on the belt. She did this several times. When the customer in front of me paid and moved off, I was able to move forward. Fortunately for her I won't hit a woman but the temptation to give her an elbow in the short ribs was strong.
I see this over and over from Muslims, Eastern Europeans, and various Latinos. I wonder where their heads are at.
While not a world traveler, I try to understand the places and cultures where I am a guest. A little courtesy goes a long ways when on foreign soil, even in Canada and Texas.
(Just kidding Texans. Never have I been in an area where I was more 'preciated.)
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You are nicer than me. I would have backed up on her.
At Wally World phone service desk, manned by a 17 year old stood a Somalia man screaming at the clerk about how his phone worked. The kid kept his cool and kept saying you have to call the company. Repeat the screaming. When he left and I stepped up I complimented him for his handling of the man and he smiled and said "they are all like this". Seems to be a pattern. I rent to a Muslim couple and he is from Somalia and it's a constant "this stick fix it", the light on back steps is out, fix it". The fan light in kitchen is out, fix it. I am positive that they are clueless as to common problems that a "woman" can fix.
She seemed to have a nice ass under all that cloth.
Friend has a used car lot. Says the Somalians come back with every little problem. Have no appreciation for"As Is'.
When I was in the biz I wouldn't cut one dime off the price for Eastern Europeans or Africans. I knew they would be a pain in the ass for months so I was going to get paid for my trouble.
I use my shopping cart as a barricade. I get in line first, then pull my cart in behind me. I have an intense dislike of people in my personal space. Not only do I hate it, it triggers anxiety to have people that close to me.
When visiting Disney 30 years ago when I was still a young adult who wasn't afraid, we were shocked by the Japanese tourists who were perfectly comfortable standing right on our feet or shoving us aside.
Different worlds, I guess.
We were at the Space Needle waiting to get on the elevator, two couples with their kids, when an Asian tourist shoved my friend's wife out of his way. Said Asian was immediately punched out by her husband. Looked for a minute like we were going to take on the whole bunch. Instead, they all started taking pictures.
we have people around here like that mostly blacks and some white trash all definitely living on our hard earned tax dollars. I have taught my 11 year old son that if anyone lays a hand on his mom we fight an so will she . WE are good hard working people but we don't like people in our space or being rough with our family .
Seems those eating another man's bread think their shit don't stink.
Yep, they WILL push until somebody pushes back...
Coffeypot +1
Think of Texas as Canada without snow.
And act all butthurt when someone pushes back.
The worst part of visiting Canada is clearing customs coming back to the USA.
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