Thursday, November 13, 2014

The War On Rural Residents

It may slow down, but it never stops. The use of government regulations to force people off the land and into the cities. Latest example, the Gunnison Sage Grouse. Here is a better explanation than I can give.

Travel around in "flyover country" and you will see the dying and dead towns where people are hanging on, or squatting (Farley, N.M. for example). The small farms and ranch families that the towns depended on are gone, forced out by various regulations imposed by government functionaries with no skin in the game. Can't have all those independent people not relying on some government dole, now can we? Too hard to control, don't you know.


Old NFO said...

Yep, they are going to drive everyone INTO the government hands one way or another...

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I don't want to get started on the USFS but probably will in a future rant.

Scotty said...

USFS like many of the other government entities like, the EPA, FCC NEA, are avenues where politicians can enforce policies that would never see the light of day via any legislation in congress. If it isn't stopped, we're doomed!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

What ends up is a playground for those with the money enough to enjoy. I think of Luna Lake in the Mt. Zirkle Wilderness area that still has scars from a Sierra Club gathering in the mid 1960's.

Momma Fargo said...

Hey, quit yer whining. You could still go live in Jeffery City, Wyoming and have all the open spaces you want..LOL

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I could live there, and fight the BLM. Just don't make me live in Wamsutter.

Momma Fargo said...

Oh, Wamsutter is the hell hole of Wyoming. True story. LMAO