Saturday, December 7, 2013

Yea For The Grand Nephew!

 Grand nephew from Reno is playing today at San Diego in a tournament. Yea Kayden! His team has won all their tournaments to get there, and the parents and sponsors have raised the money so they could go. What an experience for an eleven year old!


Old NFO said...

That is outstanding! Good for him (and those that raised the $$ so they could go)!!!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

His team lost a close game. Won't soon lose the memories.

Ami said...

That has to be really exciting for an 11 year old. :)

Exhausting for the parents, but fun for the kids. Like most of life.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The parents had to carpool the kids from Reno to San Diego and then get back in time for school/work.