Sunday, June 30, 2013

Obama Administration; Equal Opportunity Tyrants?

Another muddied political rant. You have been warned.

Seems the Left/Progressive portion of the population has more in common with the right than they might think. Surveillance and agent provocateurs?

The author, Todd Gitlin, is, surprise, a Columbia University professor teaching journalism and “communications”.

Of course, the IRS scandal isn’t,  per one leftist spin.

Only talking point he missed is, “It is Bush’s fault”.

I wander over to this site, Common Dreams, from time to time, when my blood pressure is under control. There is a common theme in many postings; distrust and loathing of government. Not a whole lot different from Townhall.

A cartoon from the sixties comes to mind. A conservative dressed man,  reading a newspaper,  saying, “The more my thinking veers to the Right, the more I find in common with the Left. I think I’m becoming a middle of the road extremist”.

Competition for power and position has existed forever. People seem to quickly recognize when the playing field is being tilted against them. How they react, and how they organize to  protect themselves, is a large part of the human experience. Factor in whatever philosophies have influenced them and you have politics.

Current reading is, “The Rule of the Clan” by Mark S. Weiner. He wrote it, so is entitled to his biases, but I am finding some solid ideas in his work.

Call me a cynic; through out history, those who have the wealth are determined to keep it, and the rest of us can survive the best we can. Yes, call me Captain Obvious.

As part of my deficient personality, I so enjoy putting sticks in the elite’s spokes. Bad, bad me.

Seems to sum it up. Your mileage may differ.


Scotty said...

I concur! I often get in trouble when I say I don't see much difference between the two parties.

Both fill with elites that believe they know better than what we do ourselves about what we need. The latest immigration bill is proof positive.

It's not when both sides don't get along, it's when they start to agree with each other is when we should REALLY start to be alarmed!

Old NFO said...

Agree with all, ESPECIALLY the last one... I'm making sure they don't get a free ride! Letters, emails, phone calls to the congresscritters on a weekly basis when I'm in town.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Scotty - Agree

Well Seasoned Fool said...

NFO They may dismiss your efforts, but like an insect bite, they feel the itch.