Monday, January 14, 2013

Grateful Man

Since I must still work to supplement my retirement, I'm grateful I have work that keeps me out of doors (or in a truck) and allows me to see some of Gods grandest works instead of

being in a windowless room, sharing air with others, answering the damn  telephone, fighting petty turf battles, and attending meetings.

The work can be risky

or cold

but you get to see interesting things.

So I'm a grateful man. I have a job, a job I mainly like, and about the most decent employer I've ever worked for.


Old NFO said...

Oh THANKS for that reminder... as I slog to my cube... sigh... Travel Safe WSF!

Well Seasoned Fool said...

@ NFO. At least you are stuck in the cube all the time!

Ami said...

I was born in Gunnison. :)
And yes, thank you, no cubicle for ME either. I'd go insane in a very short amount of time, as I'm skating on the edge of it constantly.